Teacher's health-protection competency methodology within interdepartmental interaction
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Chedov
Perm State National Research University, Perm
Keywords: younger generation, teacher, health-protection competency, system, activity and resource approaches.
Background. Success of any health activity in the modern general education system largely depends on how well trained the human resource is, and that is why a high priority is given to the professional teachers’ training systems with a special emphasis on the health culture and health protection competences of the young generation, with the efforts facilitated by interdepartmental cooperation models [1]. A.M. Kazin and A.V. Pratsun, having summarized the relevant theoretical provisions, offered the following definition for a teacher’s health competence: ‘it means the integral professional personality characteristic critical for the teacher’s performance in the health protection and improvement domain and including the theoretical knowledgebase and practical skills for the health culture building to improve the trainees’ adaptability and developmental resources facilitated by the teacher’s practical training experience and determination for success’ [2-4].
Objective of the study was to offer theoretical provisions for the basic teacher health protection competency builidng model applicale in the national general education system and facilitated by interdepartmental cooperation.
Methods and structure of the study. The study and the model testing experiment prioritized the interdepartmental cooperation in the health protection and health culture building domain facilitated by active networking and social partnerships. Such partnerships will be based on bilateral contracts of the resource providing education establishment and general education schools, physical education and sports institutions, civil organizations, health establishments and universities. An establishment may be qualified a Resource Providing Education Establishment on decisions of the relevant education authorities based on expert findings. Having analyzed the relevant theoretical study reports and own experience supported by experimental findings, we developed and substantiated the general education school teacher’s health protection competency building model facilitated by interdepartmental cooperation and including the practical approaches, key operations and educational provisions.
Results and discussion. The teacher’s health protection competency building/ advancement model facilitated by interdepartmental cooperation includes systemic, operational and resourcing approaches.
The systemic approach (analyzed by V.P. Bespalko, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, G.P. Shchedrovitsky et al.) assumes that the teachers’ skills advancement system should be designed on an integrated systemic basis including the HC building service. The systemic approach implies the health cultivating service being designed to harmoniously develop the following components: fitness for the competency employment (motivational element); knowledgebase for competency (cognitive element); practical experience of the competency being tested in a variety of standard and non-standard situations (operational element); attitude to the competency and its target fields (values and priorities); and the emotional and volitional process controls in the competency mobilizing domain [3].
The operational approach (analyzed by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Y. Galperin et al.) to the teacher’s health protection competency advancement process shall be implemented via the interdepartmental cooperation to facilitate the teacher’s skills advancement in health domain both in the theoretical/ informational aspects and the well-motivated practical/ operational aspects of the education process to secure self-improvement and self-fulfillment of every trainee.
And the resourcing approach (analyzed by P. Bourdieu, A.V. Grosheva, L.I. Klochkova, N.E. Tikhonova) is geared to efficiently mobilize necessary resource for the interdepartmental cooperation. One of the key goals of the Resource Providing Education Establishment is to profile the teachers’ needs in the skills advancement domain to help file the individual applications with the Regional Permanent Education Institute reporting to Perm State National Research University.
A retrospective analysis of the existing teachers’ health education models found the following key domains of such education: hygienic, valeological and pedagogical.
The hygienic domain addresses the education service timeframes, sanitary standards and the education space design requirements. The valeological domain makes a special emphasis in the health protection competency building process and the practical tools to form the trainees’ health culture viewed as the personality development resource. And the pedagogical domain is focused on the initiatives to reorient the teachers in the children’ health field from the mostly hygienic aspects to the values and priorities driven ones. The values-driven individual motivations for health and healthy lifestyles shall be viewed as forming a basis for the new life quality.
Educational provisions for the teachers’ health protection competency we would define as the mix of provisions to secure success of the teacher’s health- and health protection competency advancement process. Such educational provisions will include: skills advancement trainings courses designed on a modular basis; innovative didactic technologies applied in the skills advancement process; institutional and practical support to educators in their efforts to design and implement individual skills advancement trajectories as dictated by the trainees’ personal needs.
We have tested a professional skills advancement Health Protection and Trainees’ Heath Culture Building model that includes five modules. Objective of the model is to form a professional competency toolkit in the trainees to help them effectively apply the modern health protection and improvement technologies.
Practicality of the above model was secured by the practice-prioritizing training sessions to master the modern didactic technologies including the following: target trainings; specific situation analyses; solution finding tasks; drafts of the environmental culture/ healthy lifestyle building projects; discussions; denotations for the key notions of the topics under considerations; My Lifestyle and My Desirable Lifestyle assisted self-analyses; and focus group sessions.
We would define the institutional and practical provisions for the individual learning trajectories design elements in the teachers’ skills advancement service – as the special professional domain development service driven by situations analyzing trainings under control of the relevant tutors including methodologists of the municipal information/ practical support offices and/or managers of the relevant education establishments.
The teachers’ individual learning trajectories in the skills advancement process will be designed based on the prior knowledge/ skill tests to obtain a set of the key test data including the individual motivations, values and performance test rates.
Conclusion. The regional skills advancement systems facilitated by the interdepartmental cooperation will secure the necessary provisions for success and the institutional and practical support for the teachers in the individual skills advancement trajectories design and management domain. The practical individual competency building process will be geared to equip the teacher with the health protection and improvement; individual health culture formation; individual values health protection knowledge and skills; plus encourage own health culture and healthy lifestyle development process viewed as the role model for the trainees’ healthy lifestyle formation system.
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Corresponding author: chedovkv@yandex.ru
The study was designed to develop and substantiate a regional advanced teacher education system to secure progress in the health-protection competence building component and form the students' health culture including the following forms professional competency building elements: advanced training courses, professional skill contests, methodical and research-practical conferences, workshops, remote and direct consulting, theoretical and practical support for innovative didactic models, and teachers' associations. The author comes to the conclusion that the teachers' health-protection competency level should be increased continuously by integrating activities of various municipal and regional institutions within the framework of interdepartmental interaction. Summarizing the theoretical ideas presented in the article about building the teachers' health-protection competency in the context of interdepartmental interaction, the author emphasizes that the health of the younger generation depends largely on the professionalism of the teachers. At the same time, a teacher needs not only to possess knowledge of health, health-protection technologies, personal health culture building methods, but also to implement the values of health culture in his life, which is one of the most important factors for the successful formation of the students' healthy lifestyle.