Training motivations tests in italian national futsal 5x5 b1 (blind sport) team


K.S. Popenko1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor S.Y. Zavalishina1
Dr.Med., Dr.Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: 5x5 B1 (blind sport) futsal, futsal players, sport, motivations, athletic training.

Background. Regular physical practices are commonly known to improve health [8] and train muscular system [9], with different aspects of these benefits particularly critical for the trainees with health/ physical conditions [5]. Prudential and long sport trainings facilitate rehabilitation of disabled people and improve their physical functionality and fitness [6, 7]. It should be emphasized that athletes need clear and high motivations for regular sport trainings and competitive accomplishments [1], with due motivations commonly recognized among the core drivers for a competitive activity [3]. Modern sport science has accumulated a large knowledgebase on the sport elite’s motivations [2] albeit motivations in adaptive sport disciplines are still underexplored in many aspects at this juncture. The available study reports give virtually no data on the athletes’ motivations in the modern adaptive team sports, and we believe that a study of the players’ motivations in the modern 5x5 B1 (blind sport) futsal (in view of the fact that this sport discipline was listed in the Summer Paralympic Games program) could be beneficial for further progress of the disabled sports.
Since disabled athletes are widely different in the sport gifts and capacities, modern training systems make an emphasis on the individual resource mobilizing tools and methods, with the motivational ones in top priority. A clear understanding of the individual motivations in disabled sports helps the coaching teams prudently design and manage the individual training systems to effectively and efficiently mobilize the individual resource for competitive success.
Objective of the study was to test training motivations in the Italian national futsal 5x5 B1 (blind sport) team.
Methods and structure of the study. The survey was designed to rate and analyze the following futsal players’ motivations:
• Hope to qualify for the national team and compete in the top-ranking international events.
• Success motivations.
• Hopes to win the titles of the national, European, World Championships and Paralympic Games.
• High-prestige wins in the top-ranking events.
• Popularity of this mass sport discipline.
• Personal progress agenda.
• Responsibility to the teammates.
• Devotion to the sport training process and its every element.
• Perfect opportunities to realize own gifts, qualities and skills and be recognized.
• Coach’s appreciation.
• High popularity cultivated by TV, radio and other mass media organizations.
• Excellent activity to prove oneself and test own abilities.
• Appreciation of close people.
• Support from the crowds including relatives and friends.
• Desire to become a team leader or captain.
• Desire to qualify for Master of Sports, World Class Master of Sports etc.
• Coach’s encouragement.
• Life success motivations supported by the interim competitive accomplishments.
• The sport rules and requirements cater for the internal needs, values and priorities.
• Hope to make a coaching career upon retirement from sports.
• Mental and physical progress and willpower secured by the sport.
• Hope to become a sport manager/ officer to promote the sport upon retirement.
• Hope to enter the sport elite and become a celebrity.
• Personality development with progress in a variety of qualities including endurance, willpower, empathy and cooperation, tolerance etc.
• Only this sport guarantees great competitive accomplishments.
• Opportunities to vent out emotions and release nervous/ mental stresses.
• The sport cultivates own life design and management abilities.
• The sport gives good opportunities to make friends and partners.
• Convenient sport gym/ facilities next door to home.
• Opportunities for socializing and world outlook formation.
• Pride in own progress and accomplishments.
• Hope to get rid of bad addictions, break with a bad company, street community.
• Cope with or recover from a health disorder/ injury.
• Get more attractive for potential partners.
• Constant physical and emotional stresses that keep you fit.
• Individualized training options provided by this sport discipline.
• This sport is a family tradition.
• Hope to meet expectations of coaches and families.
• Have long been in the sport, it is habitual for me and I’ve got no other business.
• Elite sport is a perfect business to secure high living standards and wellbeing.
The individual motivations were rated by a questionnaire survey on a 10-point scale, with the responses grouped as follows: vitally important (9-10 points); very important (7-8 points); fairly important (5-6 points); unimportant (3-4 points); and absolutely unimportant (1-2 points). Sampled for the survey in June 2018 during and international friendship 5x5 B1 futsal event in Silvi Marina (Italy) were 12 players of the national Italian team. The survey data were processed and averaged by the standard Microsoft Excel toolkit.
Results and discussion. The respondents ranked the following motivations as absolutely unimportant (1-3 points):
• Individualized training options provided by this sport discipline.
• This sport is a family tradition.
• Hope to meet the expectations of coaches and families.
• Have long been in the sport, it is habitual for me and I’ve got no other business.
• Elite sport is a perfect business to secure high living standards and wellbeing.
It may be stated with confidence that the disabled athletes are not driven by the above motivations. They rated highest the following vitally important (9-10 points) motivations: hope to qualify for the national team and compete in the top-ranking international events; success/ win motivations; hopes to win the titles of national, European, World Championships and Paralympic Games; and high-prestige wins in the top-ranking events. This means that the disabled athletes are mostly driven by the success motivations with the hopes to win in the top-ranking global events and become the sport leaders.
Conclusion. The study data made it possible to profile and rank motivations of the blind futsal players of the national Italian team, with the motivations grouped by own progress agenda, success expectations, relationships with the teammates and surrounding people. It was found that the players are mostly driven by the success motivations and responsibility to the team. The study data and analysis may be beneficial for the futsal 5x5 B1 teams training system designers in their efforts to mobilize the individual resource of every team member and balance the competitive performance.


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Training motivations of the leading national Paralympians are known to be critical for the competitive success. Objective of the study was to test training motivations in the Italian national futsal 5x5 B1 (blind sport) team. The study found the motivations of the sample being dominated and driven by the individual ambitions (to qualify for the national team; compete in the top-ranking events; enjoy the public appreciation of successes; win titles in the national, European, World cups and Paralympic Games; and win a broad popularity with the titles); plus responsibility to the team for the collective success (appreciation of the individual contribution in the successful teamwork; pleasure from the training process and its every element; appreciation from the coaches etc.). Rated relatively low were the personality motivations and attitudes of the close surrounding. The study data and analysis may be beneficial for the futsal 5x5 B1 teams training system designers in their efforts to mobilize the individual resource of every team member and balance the competitive performance. Coaches are recommended giving a due priority to focused individualized efforts to foster and maintain individual motivations for the training process.