Physical education and sport university service: practical basics
PhD A.R. Baymurzin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Chepik1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Alifirov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
Keywords: academic professional education, physical education and sport university, strategic vision, education curriculum, didactic technology.
Background. The modern academic physical education and sport service improvement projects imply a transition from the five-year planning period (normally the physical education and sport curriculum is set by the rector) to the 10-15-year period to give time for professional formation of the university graduates that is known to average 5-10 years. The national physical education and sport sector reforming policies give a special priority to the human resource quality secured by the valid specialist training standards and curricula [7]. Since the academic education system implemented the FSES 3++, the physical education universities were given certain freedom within the frame of the standards including the authority to develop their own requirements to the graduate’s competences, improve the academic curricula, didactic technologies and university management policies and practices.
Objective of the study was to develop practical grounds for the academic physical education and sport service.
Methods and structure of the study. The study applied a systemic and cybernetic approach to consider the key aspects of physical education and sport university service in their interrelations on the assumption that the academic education service may be classified into three key components: education process management; curricula; and didactic technologies.
Results and discussion. The educational service management shall be based on a strategic vision as a result of the corporate formation process to attain new performance standards (to outperform the competitors) in the core business field [1-3, 5, 9]. Strategic vision may be defined as the physical education and sport sector modeling for the 10-15-year period for the graduate to reach top professional mastery to be able to contribute to the physical education and sport sector reform; with the modeling process including the following basic elements:
- Legal and regulatory framework including the relevant federal laws, orders of the Ministry of Sports and Ministry of Education and Science, federal and regional physical education and sport sector development programs and other regulatory provisions.
- Valid Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES) for bachelor and master training service and for the excellence post-graduate and doctorate programs.
- Academic physical education and sport research schools.
- Academic faculty.
- Available assets: material resource, equipment, technologies, institutional/ financial/ informational provisions etc.
- Location and competitive advantages of the physical education and sport university.
- Academic education curricula and research projects run by the physical education and sport university under the relevant federal, regional and sector programs.
Special attention should be given to the practical provisions for the modeling process that may be classified by two modeling algorithms as follows:
- Script-based modeling concepts that imply specific progress scenarios for the range of inputs and current modeling specifications (script, system analysis, cybernetic approach, economic/ financial performance models etc.).
- Brainstorm modeling technologies that imply a focused modeling teamwork with collective contemplation, reflection, generated ideas and their defenses via role games, brainstorming techniques, Kingice method etc.
A strategic vision worked out by a physical education and sport university may be formed using both of the above algorithms on a complementary basis.
Education curriculum may be considered the most complicated element of the modeling process since a curriculum directly depends on the valid education service standards (in the core and optional services) and the corporate strategic vision that shapes up the physical education and sport service model with the expected specialist competences. Let us consider the education curriculum using a cybernetic approach with the following information processing method. An education curriculum is viewed as the information necessary for the future physical education and sport specialist training service. We have applied and developed in our study the V.D. Chepik and T.V. Reisterman findings [6, 8] to classify the curricula-forming information as follows:
- Basic cultural information on the fundamental and practical disciplines of the academic education service to shape up the world outlook and professional competences of the future specialist;
- Basic professional information about the service subjects and job-specific technologies laying a foundation for the professional competences of the future specialist [4, 6]; and
- Special professional information related to the job-specific requirements, terms of references, technologies and skills.
Technological component is viewed a key aspect of the integral academic physical education and sport professional specialist training system that ensures the potentially valuable information being processed and used to build up the specialist knowledgebase in the academic training process. The technological component may also be viewed as the most stable and flexible element of the training system that ensures the curricula being timely updated to efficiently manage the academic education service. This component is also critical for an individual teaching mastery as the most difficult skill necessary for students and graduates albeit potentially limited by their personality traits and qualities. A university can only give the young specialist basic knowledge, competences and skills whilst mastery cannot be trained in the usual sense of the notion for it requires persistent hard work with self-improvement efforts to have the inborn qualities and gifts fully mobilized, developed and converted into professional qualities and skills.
Conclusion. Efforts to improve the academic education service shall be designed with due consideration to its three key components: educational process management; curricula; and didactic technologies – to secure a synergic effect in the education service improvement initiatives.
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Objective of the study was to develop practical grounds for the physical education and sport university service. The study applied a systemic approach to consider the key aspects of physical education and sport university service in their interrelations on the assumption that the academic education service may be classified into three key components: education process management; curricula; and didactic technologies. The educational service management shall be driven by the strategic vision and the relevant mechanisms to model a future specialist personality. The education curricula are composed of the learning materials/ data need to be processed and digested and classifiable into the basic general cultural data; basic professional (job-specific) data; and specific professional data.
Educational technology may be interpreted as the digestion of the potential data temporally alien to the user to transform it into a personally valuable asset, with the data accumulated in the university training process via the educational methods and technologies offered by the physical education and sports university.