Establishing dominant factors of special fitness of athletes aged 15 - 18 years in sportsradiodirectionfinding


PhD K.G. Zelensky1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev2, 3
1North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
3St. Petersburg University, College of Physical Education and Sports, Economics and Technology, St. Petersburg

he study, which took place from 2010 to 2018 with 238 athletes aged 15–18 involved in it, was aimed at identifying factors that characterize the level of special fitness at the training stage and the stage of improving sportsmanship in sports direction finding.
During the entire study were conducted control tests (tests). In order to determine the level of special technical, physical and intellectual fitness, tests that were tested for information and reliability were used. As a result, 17 control tests were selected, the results of which were assessed. Testing was conducted annually throughout many years of research.
The data obtained on the basis of factor analysis indicate that the success of competitive activities at the training stage (15–16 years) of years of training is determined by a factor (18.2%), which is characterized by the ability to master the radio search technique, basic operational direction finding skills and operational thinking in solving tactical problems. It has been established that at the stage of improving sportsmanship (17–18 years old) for a successful performance at competitive distances, in addition to a high level of technique and tactics of operational radio direction finding and near radio search, athletes must have high stability of mental processes in conditions of progressive physical fatigue. The contribution of the factor to the generalized variance, which includes the above figures, is 23.3%.

Keywords: sportsradiodirectionfinding, factor analysis, special fitness, in-depth training, sports skills building.


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