Bachelors of physical education: attitudes to vocational training


PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Shakhov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Egorov2
PhD R.M. Olkhovskiy3
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
2Russian Student Sports Union, Moscow
3Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Quality academic physical education and sport service is ranked among the top priority national and social policies geared to improve the student health standards, facilitate personality progress and expand the sport reserve for the national sport elite. In addition, academic sports are considered an indispensable element of any national sport system as their accomplishments and standards heavily contribute to the national sports image. Presently the national academic athletes are ranked among the world leaders although the growing completion from the leading sport nations force the national sport theory and practice to persistently and actively search the ways for progress of the regional and national academic sports. The Lipetsk Oblast academic sport system has made some recent progress on the national and global arenas although its resource is still far from being mobilized in full. The study offers a historical analysis with a special attention to the modern academic sports development trends in Russia and demonstrates the academic sports promotion policies and practices by the Lipetsk Oblast academic sport system and its potential progress avenues. The regional policies are recommended to secure further consolidation of the academic sports management system with a special attention to the academic sport reserve trainings starting from the school days.

Keywords: academic sports, Burevestnik Voluntary Sport Association, Lipetsk Oblast, history, progress avenues.


  1. Prikaz Ministerstva sporta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 2 iyulya 2018 goda # 620 «Ob utverzhdenii plana meropriyatiy po realizatsii kontseptsii razvitiya studencheskogo sporta v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda» [Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2018 No. 620 “On approval of an action plan for the implementation of the concept of development of student sports in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”]. Available at: (date of access: 25.12.2018)
  2. Protokoly, postanovleniya, stenogrammy, ankety delegatov i drugie materialy 3-y oblastnoy konferentsii DSO «Burevestnik» za 1968 g., GANILO, F. 2570, D. 7 [Minutes, resolutions, transcripts, questionnaires of delegates and other materials of the 3rd Regional Conference of the DSO "Burevestnik" for 1968, GANILO, F. 2570, D. 7].
  3. Protokoly zasedaniya prezidiuma Lipetskogo oblastnogo soveta SDSO «Burevestnik» za 1975 g., GANILO, F. 2570, D. 71 [Minutes of the meeting of the presidium of the Lipetsk regional council of the Stormy day-to-night meeting “Burevestnik” for 1975, GANILO, F. 2570, D. 71].
  4. Protokoly zasedaniy prezidiuma oblsoveta DSO «Burevestnik» za 1980 g., GANILO, F. 2570, D. 119 [Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Regional Council DSO "Burevestnik" for 1980, GANILO, F. 2570, D. 119].
  5. Protokoly, postanovleniya prezidiumov i materialy DSO «Burevestnik» za 1985 g., GANILO, F. 2570, D. 173 [Minutes, decrees of the presidiums and materials of DSO "Burevestnik" for 1985, GANILO, F. 2570, D. 173].