Special physical training method for beginner group artistic gymnastics


L.V. Pertseva1
PhD, Associate Professor M.S. Ponomareva1
A.V. Belyaeva1
1Institute of Physical Education and Sports of M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Modern judo is a high-intensity dynamic sport that requires high movement coordination, excellent physical fitness and perfect tactical skills for success, with the success techniques, tactics and motor skills being notably weight-class-dependent. The beginner (junior school age) judo trainings are traditionally dominated by the physical fitness focused ones. Ethnic Sakha sports are widely popular in the region for their practical benefits proved by the centuries-old traditions. Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of the Sakha ethnic sports for physical progress in the beginner (9-10 year-olds’) judo trainings by a 3-month experiment and tests. The experimental training model included three 2-hour training session a week, with every experimental ethnic Sakha exercise repeated 5-6 times and combined with the traditional physical fitness practices. The Sakha ethnic sports driven model was tested beneficial for physical progress in the beginner judo trainings as verified by the significant progress Experimental Group compared to Reference Group in the tested physical qualities.

Keywords: judo, training process, Sakha ethnic sports, physical education.


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