Benefits of special aerobics practices for physical progress of schoolchildren with health disorders


Candidate O.V. Kudryavtseva1
PhD, Professor E.E. Bindusov2
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Solovykh3
1Moscow University of Industry and Finance «Synergy», Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Moscow
3Moscow Automobile And Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), Moscow

Since the physical education teacher’s mission is to facilitate the physical progress and technical mastery by the relatively wide range of physical exercises, a special priority shall be given to the training process efficiency improvement initiatives. Objective of the study was to facilitate the school physical education process by a conscientious individual physical self-control building model. Sampled for the study at lyceum in Elektrogorsk in September through May 2017 were 5-grade pupils split up into Experimental Group (EG, n=27, including 12 males and 15 females) and Reference Group (n=22, including 13 males and 9 females), with the both groups trained 3 times a week. The Experimental Group trainings were complemented by the Behavioral Self-control Style forming system with the study data processed by the V.I. Morosanova method. The Experimental Group versus Reference Group progress was tested by the pre- versus post-experimental tests. The tests showed benefits for the conscientious individual physical self-control building model in the school physical education service as verified by the Experimental Group progress in the self-control aspects.

Keywords: schoolchildren conscientious individual physical self-control, process design and management tools, physical education service.


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