Benefits of strength and speed-strength practices for students’ physical progress and stress tolerance


PhD E.S. Potovskaya1
O.N. Krupitskaya1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Regular health and fitness practices are known to mitigate the bodily responses to neurohormones under emotional stress, i.e. significantly increase the stress tolerance. Objective of the study was to assess benefits of a new movement coordination building model for female fitness groups versus the stress tolerance. Sampled for the new training model testing experiment were the 1-3-year students of National Research Tomsk State University (n=120) trained in fitness groups and split up into 3 Experimental and 3 Reference Groups. The Reference Group was trained as required by traditional fitness program with weights-applying practices; and the Experimental Group trainings were complemented by our experimental training model making a special emphasis on the all-round physical qualities including the movement coordination abilities and the overall and special endurance. Physical progress tests in the Experimental Group showed high physical progress in many aspects including the movement coordination abilities. The stress tolerance was rated by questionnaire surveys, and we found the Experimental Group making meaningful progress versus the Reference Groups in many stress coping and control aspects.

Keywords: students, fitness, physical fitness, stress tolerance, movement coordination qualities.


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