Benefits of physical therapy group practices for students’ physical progress


Dr.Med., Associate Professor E.Yu. Dyakova1
S.P. Akhmedova1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

In 2010 National Research Tomsk State University established physical therapy groups for the students with health disorders. It has been long traditional to have such students released of the academic physical education practices and required to study only the physical therapy theory. The physical therapy model for the groups with health impairments was designed customizable for the group needs. Objective of the study was to rate benefits of physical therapy group practices for students’ physical progress. Sampled for the study were 18-23 female students (n=13) with minor health disorders trained in the physical therapy groups who gave their written informed consent for the study. Cycle ergometer (PWC170) tests were run in May, October 2018 and April 2019, with the relative test workloads rated versus the body mass. The rehabilitation exercise group practices were found beneficial for the sample progress in the physical efficiency as verified by the growth of the high and above-average test rates, with no one tested with low physical efficiency rates.

Keywords: physical efficiency, physical therapy, students.


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