Inclusive physical education modeling for handicapped students
PhD G.B. Glazkova1
Yu.V. Shakirova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Stolyar2
PhD, Dr.Biol., Professor F.A. Shcherbina3
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia, Moscow
3Murmansk Arctic State University, Russia, Murmansk
The national academic education system has reported a notable growth in numbers of the handicapped students for the last few years. Many specialists believe that modern physical education service provide the most efficient health improvement and socializing tools for this health group. New legal and regulatory provisions on the educational service and social security of handicapped and disabled people urged the national universities offer the inclusive education models including the adapted curricula, medical, psychological and social support for this health group. Objective of the study was to develop and theoretically substantiate a new inclusive physical education modeling for handicapped students. The study included analyses and summaries of the relevant theoretical and practical literature and modeling. The inclusive physical education modeling for handicapped students made it possible to set the institutional and educational provisions for the inclusive physical education service; draft a physical education curriculum for handicapped students plus extra health/ sporting programs; and work out a plan of mass sport events for this health group. The inclusive physical education modeling for handicapped students will facilitate the cross-cultural communication framework; meet the social and cultural needs of the handicapped students; encourage the personality physical education process; secure physical progress by the adaptive physical education and sport model; and improve health standards and socializing process of the health group.
Keywords: handicapped students, inclusive physical education, modeling.
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