Physiological criteria for individual selection of the rhythm-tempo structure of aerobics classes


Yu.G. Kalinnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Inozemtseva1
Dr.Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

University entrants are examined by medical commissions and referred to the academic health groups, albeit the valid examination protocols are free of physiological test data including the stress tolerance rates. The study was designed to find physiological criteria for individualize load  with varied the rhythm-tempo structure in women’s aerobics practices. The integrated tests under the study included ed the psychological, psycho-physiological and blood lactate tests. Sampled for the study were the 17-20 year-old (18±1.5 of average) female students from the main health group trained in academic aerobics groups. The three-stage tests included the physical fitness tests followed by 20-25-min varied load with the rhythm-tempo structure and pace aerobics practices. The trainees were tested by the following three pace levels: S (slow) pace load with the rhythm-tempo structure of 115-125 bpm; M (medium) pace load with the rhythm-tempo structure of 125-140 beats per min; and F (fast) pace load with the rhythm-tempo structure of 140-160 beats per min. We also tested effects load with the rhythm-tempo structure physical practices with/ without musical illustrations.
The aerobic load with varied the rhythm-tempo structure were tested with multisided positive effects on the psycho-physiological and electroencephalographic test rates versus the background test rates. The combined physiological state versus performance tests were found beneficial for the training workload management in the initial training stage, with the tests giving the means to track progress and timely adjust/ individualize the training process as required by the training process goals and requirements.

Keywords: aerobics, heart rate and pace control, rhythmic load, functionality.


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