Junior female athletes’ competitive fitness analysis


Dr.Med. V.P. Ganapolsky1
V.O. Matytsin1
Dr.Med., Professor P.V. Rodichkin2
PhD A.V. Yakovlev1
1S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to assess the possible impact of the interval hypoxic training course on the maximum oxygen consumption of mountaineers as an indicator of their physical work capacity and endurance.
Interval hypoxic training every day for 8 days, climbers performed (15 men) in the Tabay thermal bar complex. They consisted of 8 daily pressure chamber ascents, each of which included: ascent for 10-15 minutes to a predetermined height, “platform” for 1 h, and descent for 10-15 minutes, the speed of ascents and descents was 10-15 m / s Before the start of the course and after its completion, the athletes performed a bicycle stress test, which determined the maximum oxygen consumption at the peak of physical activity. An Ergoline select bicycle ergometer was used to perform the test, the load was increased step by step in 50 W steps, from 0 until the athlete reached the maximum load of 250-350 W. With the help of the MetaLyser metabolographic complex (Cortex, Germany), hemodynamic, spirometric and ergometric parameters were recorded.
It is shown that the short-term course of interval hypoxic training with modeling heights of the average mountains (2500 m) allows an increase of 7% in the maximum oxygen consumption of mountaineers. Interval hypoxic training can be included in the athletic training system.

Keywords: interval hypoxic training, midlands, physical work capacity, athletes.


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