Hapsagay wrestling basics mastering model for physical progress in deaf wrestling sport
N.D. Nikolaev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Torgovkin1
PhD P.I. Krivoshapkin1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
Objective of the study was to improve the skills of student-wrestlers on the basis of allocation in the phase structure of the "use of kinetic energy" (M.G. Okroshidze and A. Novikov). In the scientific work in the planning of microcycles training athletes took into account the ratio of aerobic, anaerobic, special loads. A sport-pedagogical experiment was conducted with wrestlers in freestyle wrestling, trainers and a hapsagay wrestler. A set of control tests was used to determine the state of the speed-strength components, as well as the capabilities of athletes in aerobic and anaerobic conditions of muscular activity. The structure of the technical and technical actions of the fighters in phases has been developed, indicating the objective guidelines when keeping the distance and in contact with the opponent. The following exercises were used during the training: elements similar in coordination with the method being studied; to strengthen the muscle groups that are actively involved in the performance of the reception, counter reception. The test model was a scheme of wrestling for two periods of three minutes, the total duration of the fight - 6 minutes 30 seconds. Analysis of the research results showed that the developed model of the technical and tactical actions of wrestlers in phases allows them to improve their technical skills.
Keywords: training cycle, wrestling, hapsagay wrestling, training, design, model, scientific and methodological support.
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