Cultural and competitive benefits of national kokh wrestling for harmonized and multisided personality development agenda



H.G. Yuzbashyan
Cultural and Sports Union "Javakhk", Georgia

The study was designed to analyze the national Kokh wrestling benefits for the harmonized and multisided personality development initiatives (in view of the fact that they are still largely underexplored); and offers a sound theoretical and practical basis for analysis of the Kokh wrestling specifics, requirements and training system designs. Methodologically, the study was based on a phenomenological method i.e. the study subject was addressed from the human development viewpoint and complemented by the common research methods including the historical and comparative analyses. It is emphasized that the key concept of the Kokh wrestling facilitated human development process may be described as the three-pillar/ three-field concept that implies the human development in one of the fields being effectively facilitated by the same progress in the other field (physical, spiritual and intellectual). The study data and analysis may be applied to substantiate the further developments of practical National Kokh Wrestling: Competitive Mastery for Teenagers Course that may initially be tested in the advanced education system. It is also recommended to have the new discipline piloted in the Armenian school education programs for grades 6-9.

Keywords: national Kokh wrestling, method, multisided development, competitions, education, martial art, physical culture, physical recreation, training system.


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