Preschool physical education instructors’ attitudes to GTO complex: questionnaire survey



Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to survey and analyze the preschool physical education instructors’ attitudes to the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex in Surgut. Sampled for an online questionnaire survey (in the form approved by the national Ministry of Sports) were 73 preschool physical education instructors. The survey mined, among other things, the respondents’ opinions on the practical support of the physical education service from the relevant government agencies of different levels. On the whole, the survey found that special urgent efforts are needed to promote the GTO Complex in the municipal preschool educational system by a variety of methods including the social promo actions; GTO Complex advertising via websites of the local educational institutions; GTO-promoting physical education sessions; reports at the family meetings; and the relevant sport events including competitions, quiz games etc.

Keywords: questionnaire survey, preschool physical education instructors’ attitudes, preschool education establishments, GTO Complex.


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