Preschool physical education service facilitated mathematical basics learning model



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.V. Kakhnovich1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Izvekov2
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Izvekov2
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.Yevsevyev, Saransk
2Saransk Institute of Cooperation (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation, Saransk

As provided by the valid Federal State Preschool Education Standard preschool physical education service is ranked as high as the preschool cognitive, socio-communication, artistic, aesthetic and verbal development programs. The modern preschool education concepts give a growing priority to the interdisciplinary synergy within the Federal State Preschool Education Standard to secure multisided development, with the physical education service playing a special role in facilitation of the cognitive development processes including those in the mathematical basics learning domain. Sampled for the study were senior preschoolers (n=52) from Kindergarten #104 in Saransk. The physical education service facilitated mathematical basics learning model was developed on a logical theoretical and practical basis to secure the preschoolers’ progress. The learning process was facilitated by many tools including walking, running, jumping and climbing practices combined with the math basics learning. The model was tested beneficial as verified by the sample progress in counting and solving the age-specific arithmetic problems; in perceptions and comparisons of multitudes; in 2D geometric figures and their practical applications etc.

Keywords: preschool education, mathematical basics, physical education.


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