Ways to improve physical education and sports university students’ connections with potential employers



Candidate N.V. Tomilova1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Modern socio-economic challenges and the uneasy labor market situations require high competitiveness for success of the physical education and sports university graduates. It should be confessed that the still low competitiveness of the physical education and sports bachelors and conservative HR policies of the modern companies and organizations continue to limit the employment opportunities for university graduates and, hence, contribute to the youth unemployment growth rates. The article analyzes the ways to improve the physical education and sports university students’ connections with the potential employers to customize the academic trainings to the job-specific requirements. Objective of the study was to offer a new communication model for the senior students and employers cooperation. We made a comparative analysis of the 2008-9 and 2018-19 physical education and sports university graduates’ employment statistics. Despite the fact that about 70% of the graduates today and 10 years ago reportedly employed, only 60% of the jobs were found to match their university specialties. The study analyzes a variety of ways to improve the physical education and sports university students’ connections with potential employers offered by the students and waiting for implementation in practice, including the academic industrial practices and probations.

Keywords: selection criteria, students, employers, communication.


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  3. Portal monitoringa trudoustroystva vypusknikov [Graduate Employment Monitoring Portal] – http://graduate.edu.ru/.