Boxers’ skills- and age-specific functionality express tests
PhD, Associate Professor R.M. Yamileva1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Danilov1
Dr.Biol., Professor E.Sh. Shayakhmetova2
D.R. Yagudin3
I.S. Makhmutov3
1M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa
2South-Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
3Bashkir State University, Ufa
Competitive performance nowadays is largely determined by the athlete’s functionality rates. The study was designed to analyze benefits of the ultra-slow physiological process express tests for boxers’ skills- and age-specific functionality ratings, with a correlation analysis of the cerebral omega potential versus psychomotor functionality test data. Sampled for the testing experiment in the training and education process were 102 boxers qualified Class I (n=36), Candidate Masters of Sport (n=38) and Masters of Sport (n=28). Psychomotor functionality of the sample was tested by Sport Psycho-physiologist and NS-PsychoTest systems; and the ultra-slow physiological process was rated by Shch4313 system that ensures discrete readings of the cerebral omega potential in a multi-voltmeter mode. Analysis of correlations of the psychomotor functionality test rates with cerebral omega potential values showed that growth within the optimal range of -20mV to -39mV is associated with improvements in the psychomotor functionality test rates. The study data demonstrated that the bioelectric phenomena constitute a critical part of the neuro-physiologic processes being closely related with the psychomotor activity; and gave us the grounds to recommend the discrete cerebral omega potential tests as a basis for the boxers’ skills- and age-specific functionality and body reserve capacity express tests.
Keywords: express tests, psychomotor activity rates, ultra-slow physiological process, cerebral omega-potential, boxers, training process.
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