Preshoolers’ cognitive and motor activity integration by active game method
Master's student R.F. Khazieva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The Russian Physical Education and Sport GTO Complex mission is to encourage the popular physical education and sport movements and practices and improve the people’s physical fitness. The study analyzes practical experience of an advanced preschool physical education and sport model to train children for the GTO Class I tests. The model gives a special priority to the preschoolers’ intellectual and physical activity integration and improvement by an active game (relay runs, problem solving etc.) method. Practices under the model are complemented by explanations of the target physical qualities versus the GTO test standards supported by educational materials from the relevant education fields. The new cognitive and motor activity integration and encouragement model includes two 30-min sessions per week (72 hours in total). Sampled for the model testing experiment were senior preschoolers (n=40), with their progress rated by the educational tests based on the GTO Class I standards and expert valuations, with the test data processed by a standard mathematical statistics toolkit. The new model was tested beneficial as verified by the sample progress in the intellectual tests, physical fitness tests and GTO Class I tests, with those failed in the latter tests found to contract from 61% to 41% and 85% to 42% in the boys’ and girls’ groups, and with a few test winners awarded by the GTO Gold Badges.
Keywords: preschoolers, GTO Complex, competitiveness, active game method, cognitive progress component.
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