Flexibility: basic biomechanics
PhD, Professor A.A. Shalmanov1
PhD I.V. Tarkhanov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Flexibility is commonly understood as the utmost movement freedom with an optimal range. The article analyzes benefits of a new selection, training and physicality (including flexibility) testing model with a special emphasis on the movement biomechanics to realize the movement flexibility limitations in one or another joint and/or movement sequence on the whole. The study provides an insight to the flexibility factors including the joint surface shape; condition of the ligamentous apparatus; and the muscle movement biomechanics. It was found that flexibility normally and naturally grows in non-sporting individuals prior to the pubescence (11-14 years of age) period; followed by the movement range limitations in the period up to 28 years of age. Later on flexibility continues to fall and, therefore, great care is needed in different stretching exercises. Influences of the hereditary factors on flexibility were analyzed based on the twin genetics method. The study data and analysis give the grounds to conclude that that flexibility may be effectively trained by prudent training systems despite the fact that in the body growing ontogenetic stage it is largely dependent on the hereditary factors. Children’s selection for sport groups shall be governed, among other things, by the flexibility test data.
Keywords: flexibility, muscle model biomechanics, factors of influence.
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