Beginner tennis group families and coaches’ expectations and motivations: comparative analysis
Postgraduate student D.P. Lyulekin1
PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Balaeva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study was designed to analyze the beginner tennis group families’ expectations and motivations from a coach’s viewpoint, as to the children’s careers in professional sports on the whole and modern tennis in particular. The study data were mined be a questioning survey in January 2019 at the sport bases of the Russian Tennis Academy and CSKA CYORSS. Sampled for the survey were the 5-13 year old tennis players, their families and coaches. The survey revealed serious contradictions in the family-coach communication and cooperation due to the misunderstandings of the key progress motivations and expectations and, most of all, the unwillingness to understand each other and negotiate an optimal communication and support model for progress. Based on the survey data and analysis, the authors recommend giving a special priority to the trainee-family-coach communication and cooperation model building efforts, particularly in the beginner stage of the professional tennis player training process. Such model shall be rather specific in the integration standards, progress criteria and deadlines to effectively prevent potential conflicts of interests, visions and opinions.
Keywords: motive, drivers, expectations.
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