Physical education and sports service robotizing process
Dr.Hab., Professor I.S. Barchukov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Modern sport training systems tend to increasingly apply automated systems/ robots – for instance, in tennis. Robots may be viewed as an indispensable part of the modern social life, medicine, space science, law enforcement service and the physical education and sports services including those in the academic system that appreciates benefits of the modern training robots in the academic sports domain. Objective of the study was to overview, analyze and assess benefits the academic physical education and sports service robotizing process. It should be emphasized that the modern education robots are increasingly applied in the physical education and sports service and creative activity the world over, with new original robots being designed and implemented in every field and proudly demonstrated at exhibitions, contests and Olympiads. Best of them are being implemented in modern sports, with the relevant intellectual and data processing systems widely used for the progress test authorizations, administration work, controls, accounting, tracking and reporting of the students’ academic activity. Such systems provide access to the current, interim and final qualification tests; facilitate transitions from one course to another; help generate the test reports and education certificates; compute individual academic ratings etc.
Keywords: physical education and sports service, robots, education.
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