Skilled martial artists’ physical training process efficiency rating criteria



Associate Professor S.P. Bodko1
Associate Professor V.K. Seisebayev1
F.R. Gadzhimuradov1
V.A. Novikov1
PhD, Associate Professor  Yu.M. Reksha2
1The Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ryazan
2Ryazan Branch of the Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ryazan

The article analyzes benefits of specific physical progress tests including the standing long jump, jerk weightlifting and pNN10 rating (that is the 10ms-different cardio-intervals versus the total cardio-intervals on the cardiogram) tests for the skilled martial artists’ physical training process efficiency rating purposes. The pNN10 rate was tested on minutes 1-3 of the cycle ergometer test versus the standard. The background and progress pNN10 was rated prior to the study and after every week of the 21-day experiment. It should be mentioned that the limited variations of the test rates after the relatively long experiment showed that the traditional tests may not always be efficient enough to rate the physical progress in trainings; whilst the рNN10 marker may be recommended as the highly physical-fitness-sensitive indicator of special benefits for the training process efficiency rating purposes that may be applied as the skilled martial artists’ (in judo and sambo) physical training process efficiency rating criterion.

Keywords: pNNx, cardiorhythmogram, physical progress tests, criteria, heart rhythm markers.


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