Competitive techniques and tactics efficiency rates in Russian Football Premier League
Postgraduate student A.S. Zaychenko1
PhD, Professor Yu.A. Popov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Modern football techniques are being persistently revised and improved to remove disharmonies in the defense and attack, offer new tactical systems, implement new tools and step up the technical performance quality and accuracy in every action. Technical performance ratings are generally skills-specific, with a special priority to the player’s technical versatility in the context of the game role – albeit the modern sport clearly evolves towards the universal high technical mastery in every game role. The training methods perfection initiatives need to be supported by analyses of the competitive techniques and tactics of the leading players and teams. The study was designed to analyze the competitive techniques and tactics efficiency rates in the 2016-17 matches of the Russian Football Premier League teams. Subject to analysis were the competitive techniques and tactics rates per match including the successful/ failed competitive techniques and tactics counts, competitive techniques and tactics success rates, and the competitive techniques and tactics quality and efficiency rates in provisional units. The authors offer a few competitive techniques and tactics success/ quality/ efficiency rating formulae viewed as provisional and adjustable – albeit they may still be highly beneficial for practical competitive techniques and tactics ratings and improvement purposes in the training systems.
Keywords: competitive techniques and tactics, footballers, quality rate, efficiency rate, success rate.
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