Benefits of nordic walking practices for senior women’s psychological needs and life qualityt


Dr.Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
A.Yu. Nikolayev1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Malkov1
PhD, Professor S.M. Obukhov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Nowadays global population is reported to include around 11% of senior people with special needs for physical activity. Habitual physical activity is known to significantly reduce the death risks and prevent many chronic diseases albeit the proportions of physically active and relatively healthy people tend to fall the world over, particularly in the senior age groups. The study tests and analyzes benefits of Nordic walking practices for senior women’s (n=40 aged 59-76) basic psychological needs (BPN: independence, competency, communication) and life quality. The sample was split up into Experimental Group (EG, n=20) doing Nordic walking 3 times a week (50-60min every time) for 16 weeks; and Reference Group (RG, n=20) doing a traditional walking. The group progress was tested by the pre- and post-experimental (24 weeks after) motivations tests and the life quality tests (SF-36, v.2).
The tests showed significant progress of the EG versus RG in the basic psychological needs rates, particularly in the independence aspect, whilst the RG showed some progress only in the competency and communication domains. Therefore, the habitual Nordic walking practices were tested beneficial for the senior women versus the traditional walking ones as verified by the significant progress in the basic psychological needs satisfaction aspects with the associating improvements in the life quality.

Keywords: basic psychological needs, independence, competency, communication, life quality, Nordic walking, senior women, Yugra North, self-determination theory.


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