Sport-specific functional conditions and their correction
Dr.Med., Professor I.V. Levshin1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.N. Kuryanovich1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Trapeznikov1
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
Functional conditions mean, as provided by the modern labor/ sport physiology, the bodily systems performance rated by the objective professional functioning energy costs and dependability rating criteria. The functional conditions correction methods are given a high priority by modern elite sports, particularly in the pre-morbid/ pathological conditions prevention and competitive performance improvement domains. The functional condition correction/ improvement methods, as we believe, should be classified into the educational, medical, biological, psychological and physiological – and implemented on a permanent and ad hoc basis, when necessary. Based on the study data, we identified the special time periods when the functional condition correction methods promise the highest benefits. It was found that the educational, medical, biological, psychological and physiological functional condition correction methods should be reasonably combined for success, with the general and specific working capacity rates being applied as integral criteria of the rehabilitation process efficiency.
Keywords: functional condition, athletes, adaptation, working capacity, physical loads.
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