Mathematical statistics methods in application to university students’ physiological systems analysis


N.A. Ustselemova1
S.V. Ustselemov1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.F. Orekhova1
PhD E.V. Sergeeva1
1Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk

Many researchers of the physical education and sport theory and practice find that physical practices are highly beneficial for the physiological systems functionality – that in its turn is critical for progress in any human activity. The study makes an attempt to find objectively testable differences in the trainees’ physical progress rates in the sports-centered (sportizated) physical education service at technical university. Objective of the study was to test the physiological systems functionality in the first-year students trained in the academic Track and Field Sports and Weightlifting Sport Groups and rate the intergroup progress differences using the Student t-criterion. We tested for the purposes of the study the body mass, body length, vital capacity and wrist strength to produce the body mass indices, strength indices, vitality indices; and run breath-holding tests in the both sport groups to compare the test data with the normal values. As a result, the wrist strength rates, body mass indices, vital capacity rates and strength indices were rated ‘normal’ in the both groups; and the breath-holding capacity was rated ‘above the norm’. The vitality indices in the Track and Field Sports and Weightlifting Sport Groups were tested ‘subnormal’ and ‘slightly subnormal’, respectively, with the latter test rate indicative of the excessive body mass. The Student t-criterion showed meaningful differences in the in the Track and Field Sports versus Weightlifting Sport Groups average wrist strength rates, strength indices, average body mass rates and the body mass indices. The study data and analyses demonstrate the need for modern education technologies in the sports-centered physical education to step up the physical activity and physical fitness rates in the optional academic sport service.

Keywords: sportization, students, test rates, bodily systems, Student t-criterion.


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