Northern university student population health and physical progress profiling study


PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Pogonysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Pogonyshev1
Master V.V. Postnikova1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

National student population health and physical progress profiling studies appear to be increasingly topical nowadays. The study was designed to profile on a multiannual (2003 to 2018) systemic basis the somatic health and physical fitness rates and anthropometrics of the Far Northern student population. Objective of the study was to find the gender-specific physical progress trends and analyze the health situation. Sampled for the study were the first-year National State University students whose anthropometrical characteristics (body mass and length; chest size), functionality (lead wrist strength and vital capacity) were tested. The tests showed a clear simultaneous body length and mass growth trend since 2003 till 2012-2014 in the female and male groups, respectively. A comparative analysis of the physical progress data for the period of 2003-2018 showed the highest progress in the somatic health rates; plus progress in the male/ female anthropometrics; and meaningful changes in the body length and wrist dynamometry rates and the vital capacity rates – with the latter two tested to notably fall for the 15 years. On the whole, the Northern students’ physical progress trends may be summarized as follows: growths in the body anthropometrics and falls in the strength rates – with the finding confirmed by the relevant studies in some other Russian regions.

Keywords: students, health standards, physical progress rates, functionality rates, somatic health rates, anthropometrical characteristics.


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