Quality assessment systems in higher educational institutions specializing in sports disciplines (foreign literature review)
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kergaard1
Dr.Med., Professor R.B. Tsallagova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
This review summarizes the data accumulated in foreign scientific literature on the quality assessment systems for educational process in higher educational institutions, specializing in sports disciplines, over the past twenty years. It is shown that all the world systems for assessing the quality of higher education are divided into two main types: external and internal, their characteristics are considered. The aspiration of many European states for mutual cooperation aimed at the formation of common criteria for assessing the quality of higher education is noted. The stages of this process are traced, the existing achievements and obstacles that do not allow full realization of the task are considered.
The most important reasons for the lack of a single, standard approach to assessing the quality of higher education in the world are the historically established traditions of educational systems, features and trends in the development of each country. It is emphasized that due to the constant development and improvement of the quality assessment systems for higher education, their criteria are not rigidly defined, they are determined by the contemporary needs of the society and its sphere of education, including the field of physical culture and sports.
Keywords: higher education, sports disciplines, quality assessment, accreditation.
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