Mental conditioning tools in physical education toolkit for service personnel


Dr.Hab., Professor A.G. Shchurov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.G. Dmitriev1
Dr.Hab., Professor M.T. Lobzha1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.S. Uzun1
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Modern life challenges with the relevant changes in the human phylogenesis are being responded by revisions to the social integration, communication and cooperation patterns. The study analyzes the most efficient mental conditioning tools that may be applied in the service personnel’s physical education toolkit. As demonstrated by the study data, the service physical education shall be designed to: make the service personnel mentally fit for the service-specific challenges and combat missions; develop good communication and conflict control skills necessary for extreme situations; and facilitate the team spirit formation and teamwork cementing in the service units and crews. The study also analyzed the mental performance factors of influence on the combat/ service missions; and the physical education service models, methods, conditions and efficiency rating criteria to ensure high professional fitness for the service challenges and extreme situations. The study demonstrates the ways to apply the modern physical education toolkit to make the personnel mentally fit for extreme situations and hard missions. In the theoretical domain, the faculty and unit commanders shall be competent in the general logics of the modern physical education service for success of the mental conditioning methods within the physical education toolkit. Thus the military service physical education theory and practice shall secure the mental conditioning component being designed with due harmonized contributions from the modern education theory and psychology for success.

Keywords: mental fitness, mental conditioning, physical education, extreme conditions.


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