Hand-to-hand combat centered physical trainings system for Russian Ministry of Defense general education system
Dr.Hab., Professor S.M. Ashkinazi1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.A. Islamov2
PhD A.V. Malyshko2
Adjunct P.A. Kuzin2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
Combat sports are commonly given a high priority nowadays by the youth physical training, sport excellence and cultural systems. The article summarizes findings of a few theoretical and experimental studies (2015-19) geared to improve the education policies and practices for the Competitive Hand-to-Hand Combat discipline in the Russia’s Ministry of Defense’s general educational system. Our analysis of the education theory and practice showed that the valid Physical Training Guidelines fail to secure due unarmed combat skills in the trainees – for the reason that they lack provisions for the punching-and-kicking skills in the pre-conscript standard technical training toolkit. We recommend that the Competitive Hand-to-Hand Combat program shall be complemented with basics of the most efficient and accessible wrestling, punching and kicking skills to secure the standard technical toolkit; and potential of the off-class practices needs to be objectively analyzed for this purpose. It was found by an experiment that the Competitive Hand-to-Hand Combat discipline complemented by the basic age-specific efficient and accessible wrestling, punching and kicking skills – is more efficient than the traditional sambo-driven training program.
Keywords: Ministry of Defense’s general education system, hand-to-hand combat sports, service hand-to-hand combat; hand-to-hand combat theory and training methods.
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