Military personnel physical training theory: origin and progress stages


Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko2
Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Sobina3
Dr.Hab. A.N. Sivak4
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg
3Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, Moscow
4St. Petersburg National Guard Forces Command Military Institute, St. Petersburg

The study gives an analysis of military personnel physical training theory with its origins, achievements and progress stages. In the initial stage, basics of the theory were laid via experimental data analyses, with the database accumulated in multiple military exercises; plus analyses of the relevant reporting data, research publications and other sources. The military personnel physical training theory progress stages were identified by the key research thrusts and study issues specific for classes of the national Armed Forces and other relevant special service units and agencies.
Sampled for the multiannual studies of the military personnel physical training theory were many servicemen having a wide range of service specialties, each of them with its own physical fitness requirements and standards.

Keywords: Physical Training Systems Research Center; Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, progress stages, military personnel physical training theory .


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