Values-driven health agenda formation: innovative experience of regional educational establishments
Dr.Hab., Professor M.I. Lukyanova1
Associate Professor, PhD L.P. Shustova1
Associate Professor, PhD S.V. Danilov1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogikal University, Ulyanovsk
The present study addresses the young population health issues on the whole and the deficiencies of the existing health agenda formation school system in particular. One of the promising ways to address the problem is to offer an individualized values-driven health agenda formation system to help the young people reconsider their negligent attitudes to health. Considering health among the key life values forming a basis for the individual progress in the personally and socially sensitive domains, we have analyzed the practical innovative experience of the regional educational establishments in the health protection and health agenda formation projects. Based on the study data and analyses, we offered recommendations on how the values-driven health agenda formation projects shall be designed and managed on an individualized basis. The projects need to be supported by the relevant methods sensitive to the values and priorities of the target population groups and apply modern dependable research methodologies – to facilitate the health issues being broader covered by the education curricula; secure due commitment of the teachers, children and families for the health projects; offer special advanced training courses for the teachers on the health protection and health agenda formation issues; and widely disseminate the positive health project experiences of education establishments in the country.
Keywords: health, values-driven health agenda, innovative activity, regional innovative platforms, subjects of educational activity.
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