Analysis of dissertations on issues of physical education service for special health groups


PhD E.I. Sheenko1
Postgraduate B.G. Tolistinov1
1Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul

The given study analyzes dissertations on the issues of physical education for special health groups for the last few years to find the most grounded and beneficial physical education models for this student group. The topics of dissertations were classified into the following two groups: physiological and pedagogical studies of the education and tutorial process design and management models for the physical education disciplines; and the physical education programs run by different educational establishments.
The study overviews a few most representative dissertations on the above issues; and highlights the key research fields of interest for the research community grouped as follows: physical education service quality improvements; personality physical culture; specific physical education service tools; physical and functional progress; factors of influence on and additional resources for the physical education service; health disorders specific physical education service models.
The study found the following: the top priority issues for the physical education service to the special health group; insufficient research activity and too narrow range of research interests in the subject field; and deviation of the study goals in favor of narrow solutions that fail to address the physical education service issues on an inclusive basis.
The study data and analyses demonstrate that the national physical education policies and practices still fail to address the physically educated personality development issues and offer efficient physical education service models to develop a habitual need for physical activity in the special health group students.

Keywords: special health groups, need, self-reliant physical activity.


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