Technical excelling model for modern fitness aerobics
Dr.Hab., Professor L.D. Nazarenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.N. Timoshina1
Postgraduate I.A. Mingalisheva1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogikal University, Ulyanovsk
Popularity of the modern fitness aerobics notably grows versus the other physical education and sport disciplines due to its high accessibility, entertaining effects, emotionality, focus on the mental/ emotional, volitional and motivational qualities; and attention to the multisided harmonic development and fully-fledged personality formation agenda. The study offers an integrated approach to the fitness aerobics training process; considers the key educational provisions for the multisided general and special progress in the fitness aerobics practices; gives a high priority to the choreographic, musical, artistic mastery excelling elements via kinesiological resource mobilizing and analyzing efforts; makes provisions for the faster progress in the high-difficulty choreographic routines; considers the role of musical illustrations with an emphasis on the aesthetic and entertaining effects of every movement element/ sequence and expressivity of ever posture and gesture; helps build up and excel the mental/ emotional impulse conveyance skills; and highlights individual gifts of every athlete. The new technical excelling model testing experiment showed its benefits as it offers ample opportunities for the individual physical, intellectual and creative resource mobilizing in the context of the values and priorities of the modern physical education and sports service.
Keywords: fitness aerobics, sports training, methods, educational experiment.
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