Physical activation model to facilitate body cleansing of radioactive isotopes


Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Meshcheryakov1
PhD V.V. Vavilov1
Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Astrakhantseva1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogikal University, Ulyanovsk

Most of the study reports and practical instructions on post-radiation rehabilitation demonstrate that the general physical and somatic health and physical activity may be critical for success of the post-radiation rehabilitation projects. The present study offers a new post-radiation rehabilitation model giving a special priority to the physical activation required to improve the body oxygenation by aerobic trainings, mobilize healthy metabolic processes in cells and tissues and thereby facilitate removal of radioactive isotopes. The new post-radiation rehabilitation model was tested in the Ulyanovsk Oblast, in the area of the Chernobyl radiation trace where more than 100 thousand people live today. Cesium-137 with its 28.5°С melting point is known to be removed by kidneys, respiration system and with sweat. The new post-radiation rehabilitation model offers a set of aerobic physical practices for effective physical activation and therapy with a special emphasis on the sweating effects and special hygienic measures. The national research community shall give a special attention to the theoretical and practical provisions for the special physical education systems to optimize the physicality, improve somatic health and physical working capacity of the population in the Chernobyl radiation trace areas.

Keywords: physical activity, organism, radioactive effects, post-radiation rehabilitation, health, physical state optimization.


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