Academic physical education driven self-development model focused on cultural domain of academic education process


Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Opletin1, 2
1Perm National Research Polytechnic University
2Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Perm

Objective of the present study was to provide theoretical grounds for the academic physical education driven self-development model focused on the ethical/ cultural values of the academic education service. The self-development model of our own design includes special technologies to facilitate the individual progress on a self-reliant basis with a tutorial support in the personality building process. Novelty of the model is due to a few non-traditional tools applied in the education process including massage and self-massage, musical illustrations, color therapy, flexibility practices, respiratory gymnastics, elementary yoga, body tempering procedures, self-defense basics and tutorial suggestions. The self-development model is intended to address a variety of cultural issues of the students’ self-development process with a special priority to the individual physical and mental controls. The education process under the self-development model makes a special emphasis on the autosuggestion, self-analysis and self-management technologies, with progress in these skills viewed as a driver for success motivations associated with positive emotions and growing confidence in the own abilities. These are the benefits of the new academic physical education driven self-development model focused on the ethical/ cultural values of the academic education process.

Keywords: personality, self-development, physical culture, spirituality, morality


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