Labour guarantees and remunerations in professional sports: problem identification
Dr.Med., Professor O.S. Kogan1
Dr.Sc.Hist S.D. Galiullina1
Associate Professor, PhD M.V. Lifanova1
1Ufa State Oil Technical University, Ufa
Issues of labour regulations at every career stage and domain of professional sports have long been in top priority for the leading experts in law, psychology and medicine. Any professional athlete’s labour, regardless of the individual ranking, may be interpreted as the human activity designed to secure spiritual and physical progress via a highest determination, high-intensity physical trainings and personal sacrifices – since neither professional athlete may succeed unless mobilizes the whole resource and makes his/her best to excel on a persistent basis. Such high-intensity labour is undoubtedly detrimental for health and, hence, the relevant special guarantees and remunerations need to be provided by the government. The article analyzes the history of recognition of the notions and meanings of professional sports and professional athletes by the national legislation; highlights some of the multiple legislative problems with concern to the labor rights, guarantees and remunerations in the modern professional sports; overviews some special aspects of the guarantees and remunerations in the modern professional sports; raises the issues of sport-specific health disorders including pathologies, injuries and disabilities; and demonstrates the need for the labour conditions in modern professional sports being improved and fairly rated to offer more efficient and sensitive health insurance system to the national professional athletic community.
Keywords: professional sports, athletic overexertion, occupational diseases, social protection, social guarantees, labour protection.
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