Physical education specialist’s emotional burnout test and prevention provisions
Associate Professor, PhD E.A. Selivanova1
Dr.Hab., Professor D.F. Ilyasov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov2
Associate Professor, PhD L.V. Smirnova2
1Chelyabinsk Institute of retraining and advanced training of educators, Chelyabinsk
2South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
The study was run in the period of 2011-2017 to obtain the 2011, 2014 and 2017 test data arrays for comparative analyses based on the PE specialist job-specific emotional state profiling test data. It was found that the proportion of the emotional burnout-symptoms-free PE specialists has dropped for the 7 years from 28% to 18%, with most of the sample (55%) diagnosed with some EB symptoms including high stress, resistance, draining etc. The high-EB share of the sample amounted to 9%, 11% and 13% in 2011, 2014 and 2017, respectively, with the growth explainable by a variety of stress factors including the never-ending reforms in the national educational system with their human resource related innovations including new professional competency standards, inclusive education standards, FSES, national teacher advancement and promotion system etc. The teaching service conditions are increasingly challenging for many due to the regress in the students’ health situation, with many students being increasingly aggressive and/ or tested with psychophysical/ mental deviations. The educational system is obviously in need of the EB prevention care service to protect health of the teachers on the whole and the PE specialists in particular. Based on the study findings, we offer a set of the EB prevention recommendations that require the modern school resource making a special emphasis on the self-learning agenda and motivations. The teachers’ unpreparedness for reforms shall be addressed by improving their legal, psychological, educational and practical competences and versatility in the modern education environments, methods and tools.
Keywords: Phycial Education teachers, emotional burnout, emotional burnout, advanced training course, self-learning institution, new education methods.
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