Physical recreation service model design options: innovative development vector
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Elmurzaev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Panchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
Keywords: physical rehabilitation, individual health, social wellness prioritizing model, adaptive health prioritizing model, personal culture, social wellness rating criteria.
Background. The growing demand for health protection and rehabilitation service urges health sector specialists, researchers, psychologists, sociologists, educators and many others to give a special priority to the health issues. Individual health is considered on a systemic basis with the attempts to classify health standards by domains and levels [4]. The efforts to fully understand and effectively mobilize resources of the modern physical recreation service need to be supported by a classification and analysis of its potential progress vectors.
Objective of the study was to develop efficient physical recreation service models with the health issues addressed and analyzed in the physical, social, mental and spiritual domains.
Results and discussion. The proposed physical recreation service models consider health on an integrated basis with its physical, social, mental and spiritual constituents. Physical health with its biological implications and material substrates viewed as an individual integrated quality – is central for the adaptive health prioritizing physical recreation service option.
In our analysis of the social wellness prioritizing physical recreation service option we were governed by the idea that a social wellness may be interpreted as the special quality integrating the social, mental and spiritual health domains. This social wellness prioritizing health concept shall be viewed as provisional and applicable for the analytical purposes only [5].
Spiritual health shall be formed with due priority to the socio-cultural benefits of the modern physical recreation service – which core mission is to prevent, mitigate and correct potential health disorders [2]. As far as the individual and communal social health is concerned, it is critical that the relevant governmental agencies are available, operable and proactive in the public health protection and improvement policies and practices [5]. And the mental/ psychological health shall be secured by a reasonable versatility of labor with duly balanced physical and intellectual components, and with the physical activity being designed on an accessible, demand-driven and voluntary basis to efficiently and effectively prevent and correct potential mental health disorders [3].
One of the key and highly challenging problems for the efforts to develop the above physical recreation service models is the issue of health standard. The individual and communal development process is so fast that the attempts to set some health standards are not always reasonable and productive. As provided by B.S. Bratus’ (1988), ‘the issue of what shall be qualified normal or pathological is never easy and always vague when it comes to a live human being’. Health standard shall not be viewed as an eternal constant defining an individual once and forever, but rather as some measurable value that may widely vary over the individual lifecycle, with every specific historical, socio-economical environment setting its own health standards. It is well known that even the physically unhealthy individuals may demonstrate the highest mental and spiritual health standards. It is also not unusual that the modern professional sports come up with their own health standards that may differ from the commonly accepted ones [1].
We would define a health standard as the optimal framework for the individual activity with its specific dynamic equilibrium and highly sensitive responses and adjustments to the changes in the surroundings and the own individuality. Therefore, health standard shall be analyzed in its every component as the combination of biologically optimal, psychologically acceptable, spiritually appealing and uplifting aspects of a human nature.
Conclusion. Nowadays individual health is imperative for progress and self-fulfillment agendas within the relevant socio-cultural environments and biological backgrounds. Health interpreted as the complete physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing may not always be secured and improved by the physical recreation, psycho-hygienic and medical methods and tools; and may not be limited by a healthy lifestyle only with the effective controls of unhealthy habits. Modern society still views health as some universal and imperative value for success. The analyzed physical recreation service design options making an emphasis on the health components (physical, social, mental and spiritual) for integrated progress rating purposes make it possible, in the authors’ opinion, to secure new quality for the health service with new practical service options.
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The study analyzes the following two alternative physical recreation service design options: adaptive health and social wellness prioritizing ones, with the both based on the commonly accepted human health concepts albeit designed in different ways depending on the process drivers. Both of the physical recreation service design options are centered on health with its physical, social, mental and spiritual constituents. Physical health with its biological implications and material substrates viewed as an individual integrated quality – is central for the adaptive health prioritizing physical recreation service option. In our analysis of the social wellness prioritizing physical recreation service option we were governed by the idea that a social wellness may be interpreted as the special quality integrating the social, mental and spiritual health domains.
The analyzed physical recreation service design options making an emphasis on the health components (physical, social, mental and spiritual) for integrated progress rating purposes make it possible, in the authors’ opinion, to secure new quality for the health service with new practical service options.