Sportizated physical education methods: notional system expansion experience
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: sportization, personality sport identification, sporting culture, Olympic education, sport education.
Background. It is commonly acknowledged by the national research community that the current physical education system is largely ineffective as it fails to guarantee good mental and physical health and motivate the young generation for habitual healthy lifestyle and physical self-perfection [1, 5]. In addition, as demonstrated by the actual practice, the national physical education and sports system fails to generate the expected social and general cultural benefits. It should be confessed with regret that an academic study period is the time of the growing morbidity rates, low physical activity and sagging interest in sports. That is the reason why the national research community gives a special priority to the potential ways to improve the academic physical education standards to respond to the modern challenges, including the physical education sportization models viewed among the most promising innovative methods [2].
Objective of the study was to analyze the modern notional system of the sportizated physical education service.
Study findings and discussion. In the context of the modern educational system progress trends, we may consider the physical education service sportization both as one of the new research tools and an innovative technology for the relevant education practices. It may be beneficial to have the notional system for the sportisized physical education service analyzed.
We define sportizated physical education as the sports-prioritizing physical education service technologies, competitions and sport-specific elements harmonized to facilitate the sport culture formation process [2].
As far as the socio-pedagogical provisions for the physical education service sportization process are concerned, we would prioritize the following their constituents and aspects:
- Sporting culture formation in the students, with the sport talent identification, selection and further guidance within the frame of the relevant individualized education technologies;
- Innovative tools to transform the traditional physical education lessons into sportizated efficient education sessions with a special emphasis on the individual adaptability and training progress;
- Focus on the learning, nurturing and health building components of the sportizated physical education service to have them well harmonized and synergized for success;
- The physical education process shall be designed to consolidate efforts of the general education and sport schools with due interdisciplinary integration in the general and advanced educational systems; and
- The sport training models and tools shall be effectively customized to the expectations, interests, individual traits and mental and physical capacities of the trainees.
For success of the physical education service sportization initiatives, they shall be governed by the following practical management principles: harmonization principle; conversion principle; harmonious personality development principle; active health building principle; social activity and tolerance encouragement principle; and freedom of choice principle [1].
Sportization viewed as a social phenomenon implies a new sports-prioritizing culture development aspect. We would define sport culture as an indispensable part of general culture with its process and deliverables i.e. high competitive accomplishments and success-motivated trainings, plus multiple benefits including the socializing and personality development values and priorities to facilitate a harmonious personality development process.
Sport culture may be also interpreted in terms of its contents as a version of physical culture – as it implies certain specific deliverables in the individual activity with the relevant methods and tools geared to improve the individual physical and mental resource via the training and competitive processes with their values and priorities; and benefit from the social relationships critical for success of the process. It is clear in this context that a sporting culture may be interpreted as a multilevel system since the modern sports are rather versatile. As things now stand, the modern sports are naturally classified into the mass sports and elite sports with their specific objectives, missions, progress avenues and benefits.
Modern mass sports offer an extensive toolkit for the individual health protection and improvement missions and are known to be highly beneficial for the individual and collective physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic, ethical and communicative progress and cultures. Modern elite sports may secure, in addition to the above benefits, reasonable material wealth, fame and competitive accomplishments for the motivated and hard working athletes.
No matter how diverse the modern sports are, all of them imply certain values and generate certain benefits including the sport management, body rehabilitation, conditioning, training and self-control knowledge and skills enabling the athletes to adapt to the extreme sport-specific loads and purposefully form, build up and excel the individual physical resource for a competitive success.
Modern sporting culture offers among other values a sporting mentality as a result of the training process with the individual physical resource being mobilized and activated for success. Progress of modern sports on the whole is largely driven by the individual self-perfection and socializing needs and agendas realized in sports, with the sport culture offering ample opportunities to satisfy the individual spiritual and physical needs. Self-perfection and self-fulfillment processes with their natural motivations and emotions generate lot of fun and satisfaction with progress and competitive accomplishments.
Individual sport culture building process is normally complex and multisided, with the school development period considered the most beneficial for the sporting agenda and progress when a foundation of physical health, basic knowledge and skills are being formed and excelled, and the first competitive experience accumulated.
One of the key notions of the sportizated physical education is the personal sport identification that may be interpreted as the integral personality quality with the relevant conscientious preferences, emotional background and values and priorities system that determines the individual predisposition for a specific sport discipline and/or competitive routine.
One of the key aspects and outcomes of the sportizated physical education technologies is the sporting nurture that may be defined, on the one hand, as the sports-driven socializing process and, on the other hand, as the focused training to engage an individual into some sport culture with the relevant competitive success motivations.
Separation of the above notion is due to the fact that the sports-associated nurturing systems shall be designed to both engage young people in sports and indoctrinate them by values of sporting culture to solve a variety of their socializing and personality development and cultural issues. The educational process with the sport nurturing goals in priority is often defined by such terms as nurturing by sports, sports-driven upbringing, cultural sport applications etc.
A modern educational environment will secure good provisions for the nurturing technologies within the sport culture; and it makes sense in this context to offer the notion of sport education – that may be interpreted as the special education environment with its tools to facilitate the personality socializing, activation process centered on the life achievements via modern sports.
For the modern sport education being efficient enough, the educational system shall offer a variety of class/ off-class training programs customizable to the individual gifts, capacities and success agendas of the trainees. Physical workloads in the training sessions shall be efficiently customized to the actual physical fitness of the trainees, with neither excess nor insufficient loads acceptable.
Educational models shall harmonically combine the individualized theoretical and practical studies with the progress tests; with the theoretical course offering sport theory and Olympic movement history components in addition to the basic training modules. Every sport education model is specific in the sense that the teacher-trainer is required to grow in the self-perfection domain – to be able to creatively design, manage and customize the training models and tools.
The innovative potential and benefits of the modern sport education may be effectively untapped if the modern educational curriculum is complemented by a Sport Culture course to address the bottlenecks in the existing physical education service system and offer good managerial and educational provisions to make the physical education service more appealing and beneficial for the trainees. Such an initiative will provide an impetus for the new sport infrastructure development projects to offer sport facilities equipped with the modern sport nurturing systems and training technologies, progress test equipment and training simulators, plus the trainees’ health test systems operating on a real-time basis [3, 4].
Efficient sport education will make it possible to attain one of the key goals of the modern education system – that is to make every individual highly adaptable to the life challenges in the rapidly changing world and efficiently build, improve and control own physical, mental and spiritual health [6].
Conclusion. The national physical education service sportization movement rapidly recruits supporters and enthusiasts across Russia, with the people appreciating the sportizated physical education and sports discipline benefits including its socializing, nurturing, educational and health improvement aspects. Efforts to systematize the notions and definitions applied by the discipline help revise and excel its policies and practices; effectively expand the physical education and sports scope and knowledgebase; and facilitate progress in the theoretical studies.
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Modern educational policies tend to rank the sportizated physical education tools both among the promising fields for research and modern technologies for progress of the national education service. To make the relevant educational toolkit more efficient in practical applications, the notional system of the modern sportizated physical education service needs to be expanded to spell out its every aspect, and this was the objective of this study.
We define sportizated physical education as the sports-prioritizing physical education technologies, competitions and sport-specific elements reasonably harmonized to facilitate the sport culture formation process. Sport culture, in its turn, may be defined as the indispensable part of the general culture with its activity and accomplishments including the training processes and competitive success plus the relevant material, social and personality development benefits contributing to the harmonious personality development process.
We believe that an individual sporting agenda comprises one of the core notions of the modern sportizated physical education – that may be defined as the integral personality quality with its specific motivations, emotions, values, priorities and determination for success in the sport discipline or sport routine(s).
A special priority will be given, in our opinion, to the notion of sport education viewed as the sporting domain of the individual socializing process that facilitates the individual progress in the relevant social sector(s) via the sporting activity supported by the modern sport science. It should be emphasized that every effort to systematize definitions help improve the practical toolkits and understanding of the relevant physical education and sport methods and fields for further progress in the sport science.