Effects of new mineral drink on athletic adaptability


Postgraduate O.A. Tolmachev1
Postgraduate V.O. Tolmachev1
Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor S.L. Tikhonov1
Dr.Sc.Tech., Associate Professor N.V. Tikhonova1
1Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg

Keywords: physical working capacity, functionality-stimulating mineral drink, biologically active additive Eramin, adaptation.

Background. Modern professional sports expose athletes to extreme physical and emotional stresses that need to be mitigated by biologically active substances (BAS) including vitamins, macro- and microelements digested with food to improve and speed up the physical working capacity and health rehabilitation processes [2, 5]. Presently applications of the biologically active substance in sports are closely examined since many of them are on the prohibition lists as stimulators, adaptability boosting and activating pharmacological agents. The research communities still give a special attention to the new promising herbal biologically active substances with the acknowledged mild and balanced positive effects on the working capacity and physical adaptability [7, 8].

Subject to the study was the Eracond preparation with alfalfa extract enriched with microelements. The Eracond preparation was first tested in the elite skaters’ precompetitive training process prior to the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Norway (Lillehammer) on the initiative of B.F. Vahliayev, Honorary Coach and Master of Sports, with a special emphasis on its rehabilitative effects. The athletes at that time administered one Eracond pill after every training session, with no other rehab agents allowed. The regular trainings were combined with altitude trainings at Medeo (Alma-Ata) resort 1700m above the sea level, and in Davos, Switzerland, 1500m above the seal level. The team was tested with the top working capacity for the whole training period, and nobody was diagnosed with acclimatizing/ reclimatizing issues in the process.

The elite athletes (World Class MS and MS) who tested the preparation under a strict control from the Anti-doping Laboratory of the Russian Federation have made great successes in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, World Cup finals and some other top-ranking events in the track and field and skating sports.

New BAS Eramin was developed and patented by our team (State Registration Certificate #RU., Patent #2435455 for the “Biologically Active Substance Eramin Production Technology”) as an improved version of Eracond preparation produced by Eracond-Urals RPA Ltd. It is composed of alfalfa extract (a source of rutin, luteolin-7-glycoside etc.) and mineral additives rich in iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt etc. [3].

It is not unusual for athletes to injure tendons in trainings and competitions, with pains usually reported one or two days after the injury – often diagnosed by the sport therapists as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Healthy and well-balanced diets rich in biologically active silicon contributing to the elasticity and stress tolerance of tendons are recommended for the DOMS prevention purposes [3]. Silicon is believed to activate peptidyl hydroxylase ferment that facilitates conversion of proline to hydroxyproline to reinforce the collagen fibers responsible for elasticity and strength of joints and tendons [4]. Daily demand for silicon makes up 30mg on average and much more for active athletes. It should be mentioned in this context that the silicon level in damaged tendons may grow up to 150 times with the blood level falling down to 0.01mg/l at the same time – that is indicative of the high role played by silicon in the tissue regeneration process. Shortage of silicon in diets is known to be responsible for the fragility of bones, fingernails and hears [1].

Silicon is normally recommended for intake with the other food additives to facilitate its access to bodily organs and tissues, with the excessive silicon easily removed from the body to keep its contents in blood within the norm. The national industry offers a mineral drink Ardwi rich in natural metasilicic acid (24.7-69.0 mg/dm3 which is a physiologically meaningful content), biologically active substance Eramin and trace amount of other biologically active substances (bromine, fluorine and iron). The mineral drink contains the following biologically active substances: metasilicic acid (170.5 mg/100ml), luteolin-7-glycoside (210 mg/100ml), iron (5.2 mg/100ml), manganese (2.0 mg/100ml), copper (0.4 mg/100ml), and zinc (4.8 mg/100ml).

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of a new mineral drink with biologically active substance Eramin on the athletic adaptability and working capacity.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study purposes were the Ural State University of Economics football team players, with the sample split up into Experimental (EG, n=10) and Reference (RG, n=10) Groups. The RG was taking isotonic NaCl solution (200ml) in addition to the regular daily diet for 21 day; and the EG took for the same time period the mineral drink Ardwi and biologically active substance Eramin; with both groups tested with the standard blood tests in the process.

Results and discussion. Cortisol (stress hormone) and testosterone blood levels are known to be among of the key indicators of the body adaptation to physical workloads and rehabilitation capacity. The testosterone and cortisol contents in the EG (27.4 nmole/l and 431 nmole/l, respectively) were tested 12.7% higher and 11.5% lower than in the RG, respectively. The testosterone growth in the EG may be interpreted as indicative of the high working capacity and lower fatigue. The finding was supported by the fatigue tolerance rate in the EG estimated at 6.4 versus 6.6 in the RG, versus the norm of 5 to 8. These test data give the reasons to conclude that 200ml of the BAS Eramine enriched mineral drink taken for 21 days have helped improve the EG working capacity.

Furthermore, we tested the sample for AST (aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and CPK (creatine phosphokinase) ferments: see Table 1.

Table 1. Group AST, ALT and CPK test data, units/ l, (Х±Sх; n=10)

Test rates












De Ritis Ratio






The AST and ALT rates in the EG were tested 21.4% and 21.3% lower than in the RG, respectively. The De Ritis Ratio (believed to be indicative of a damage to muscular tissue) was tested at 1.34 and 1.33 in the RG and EG, respectively, versus the norm of 1.33. The muscular injury rate was estimated at 13.2 and 10.3 in the RG and EG, respectively, versus the norm of under 10. The sample was also tested for the blood antioxidant activity: see Table 2.

Table 2.  Blood serum antioxidant activity (AOA), catalase (CT) and ceruloplasmin (CP) test rates





mole eq/ dm3



Н2О2/mg albumen

CP, mg%


mole eq/ dm3



Н2О2/mg albumen

CP, mg%

























294,3± 8,6*

          The EG was tested with a meaningful growth of AOA, CT and CP rates by 21.1%, 17.5% and 15,2%, respectively, whilst the RG showed no meaningful variations in the antioxidant activity rates.

Conclusion. Combined tests of the mineral drink Ardwi and biologically active substance Eramin showed benefits of the additives for the athletic adaptability and working capacity improvement purposes as verified by the improved working capacity and fatigue tolerance rates in the EG, with the testosterone rate tested 12.7% higher and the stress hormone rate 11.5% lower than in the RG; the De Ritis Ratio (indicative of a muscular damage) tested within the norm; and the antioxidant activity tested to grow by 21.1% in the EG.

The study data and prior experience of the Eracond preparation application and tests give us the grounds to recommend the new mineral drink with the biologically active substance Eramin for application in sports for the athletic adaptability improvement and health protection purposes.


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Corresponding author: tihonov75@bk.ru


Objective of the study was to rate benefits of a new mineral drink with biologically active substance Eramin on the athletic adaptability and working capacity. The study found that the 21-day course of the mineral drink (200ml per day) help restore the working capacity. The Experimental Group (EG) that took the new drink was tested with testosterone being 12.7% higher; cortisone 11.5% lower; and the AST and ALT ferment activity 21.4% and 21.3% (respectively) lower than in the Reference Group (RG). De Ritis Ratio indicative of possible muscular injuries was estimated at 1.34 and 1.33 in the RG and EG, respectively, versus the norm of 1.33. The blood antioxidant activity, catalase ferment and ceruloplasmin albumen test rates were found to meaningfully grow in the EG by 21.1%, 17.5% and 15.2%, respectively. The study data and prior experience of the Eracond preparation application and tests give us the grounds to recommend the new mineral drink with the biologically active substance Eramin for application in sports for the athletic adaptability improvement and health protection purposes.