Academic physical education driven self-development model focused on cultural domain of academic education process
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Opletin1, 2
1Perm National Research Polytechnic University
2Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Perm
Keywords: personality, self-development, physical culture, spirituality, morality.
Background. Socio-economic reforms in the country are supported by the national education system reform component with the new paradigm that implies certain freedom of choice for a student and growing opportunities for the individual social activity and progress agenda. Educational process driven by this paradigm makes an emphasis on the favorable provisions for the personality development options.
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the academic physical education driven self-development model focused on the ethical/ cultural values of the academic education service.
Results and discussion. Modern education psychology interprets a personality development process as the persistent, determined and staged movement to positively modify the individual state. It should be mentioned that the key element of the education and cultural processes is the tutorial assistance intended to guide and facilitate the student’s self-development agenda. Efficient and effective tutorial assistance in the personality development mission gives new quality to the educational process and urges the educational system management to persistently improve the education-psychological provisions for the education process – particularly in the academic educational system. No matter how young the student is, he/she is trained for a special mission and, hence, needs a good assistance from an experienced senior educator, albeit the self-development mission shall prioritize the own determination and gifts of the student and only then the reasonable tutorial help. The modern self-development encouragement didactics shall clearly define the limits of both the permissible area and risk zone by the prudent and purposeful progress encouragement policies and practices. Such policies and progress algorithms are particularly important for the academic educational system to well equip the students with the individual self-development agendas and technologies to facilitate their socializing and self-fulfillment process, with a special emphasis on the individual activation, guiding and personality progress in the socializing and cultural process.
The initiatives to encourage positive individual progress in the academic environments give a special priority to the physical education programs with their immense resources for the personality activation and learning driven by the self-perfection agenda. Many renowned scientists (e.g. N.I. Sechenov) have emphasized that a physical activity provides a great stimulus for intellect, conditional (as provided by N. Amosov) on the mental comfort in the process, with the individual health and healthy lifestyles being achievable for everyone through own determination and focused efforts [1-6].
Modern physical education is known to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, courage, determination and increase stress tolerance and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. When it prioritizes the mental conditioning element, it equips the trainee with high emotional adaptability and mental control skills to stand high physical and mental pressures. It should be mentioned, however, that the physical education practices alone are not always successful for the cultural process missions unless supported by innovative education models and provisions to create an personality progress encouraging academic educational environment.
The study was designed to develop and test benefits of a new academic curriculum focused on the special technologies to encourage the individual self-development culture with tutorial guidance in the personality progress. The new academic curriculum meets every requirement of the valid state physical education standards of the academic sports including the track and field disciplines, gymnastics, team sports and cross-country skiing; and offers a few new physical education technologies such as massage, self-massage, musical illustrations, color therapy, joint flexibility gymnastics, breathing practices, yoga basics, body tempering practices, self-defense basics and assisted suggestion practices. The new academic curriculum gives a special priority to the cultural and self-development encouraging missions to equip the students with the physical and mental conditioning/ control knowledge and skills. The self-reliant learning component of the new curriculum is dominated by a variety of competitive elements including matches and sport games to cultivate courage, determination and self-assertion agenda in students. In addition, the new curriculum emphasizes an assisted auto-suggestion component intended to encourage the sensor/ emotional/ intellectual progress by a combination of the suggestion and motivation elements.
Individual progress in the education curriculum is secured by a balanced combination of the modern self-suggestion, self-motivation, reflection and self-commandment technologies to secure the trainee’s commitment and healthy self-development agenda. The combined self-progress encouragement and motivation technologies are geared to foster success motivations, positive emotions and self-confidence in students to secure harmonized effects of the new physical education and progress encouragement model in the academic education process.
Conclusion. The new academic curriculum of the authors’ design offers a variety of harmonized physical education driven self-development encouragement technologies to cultivate a positive individual self-conception and facilitate a personality progress in the academic education service.
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Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the academic physical education driven self-development model focused on the ethical/ cultural values of the academic education service. The self-development model of our own design includes special technologies to facilitate the individual progress on a self-reliant basis with a tutorial support in the personality building process. Novelty of the model is due to a few non-traditional tools applied in the educational process including massage and self-massage, musical illustrations, color therapy, flexibility practices, respiratory gymnastics, elementary yoga, body tempering procedures, self-defense basics and tutorial suggestions. The self-development model is intended to address a variety of cultural issues of the students’ self-development process with a special priority to the individual physical and mental controls. The educational process in the self-development model makes a special emphasis on the autosuggestion, self-analysis and self-management technologies, with progress in these skills viewed as a driver for success motivations associated with positive emotions and growing confidence in the own abilities. These are the benefits of the new academic physical education driven self-development model focused on the ethical/ cultural values of the academic educational process.