Academic mental stressors in academic inclusive sports
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin1
Master's student N.R. Usaeva1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Rapidly expanding physical inactivity is reported the world over and commonly known to be of detrimental effect on the academic health and progress rates. This holds particularly true for the harsh climatic conditions of the Russian Yugra North with its intensive oil-and-gas production for the last 50 years. Mental stressors on the academic athletes with health limitations are rather specific and may manifest themselves in the strained interpersonal relations and anxieties (including the future professional career related ones) – that often result in the mental/ emotional imbalances, seclusion, lack of confidence and, hence, academic regresses and backlogs. Objective of the study was to provide sound theoretical and practical experimental grounds for and test a new mental stress control model to secure good academic progress of the students with health impairments within the inclusive academic education curricula. Empirical part of the study was designed to test the new mental stress test and control set in application to the health-impaired students. Sampled for the study were the Surgut State University students, with the Experimental Group composed of 10 students with health impairments including 8 males and 2 females majoring in the academic Disabled Physical Education Service discipline; with every student having a sport qualification in volleyball (n=5) or track/ field sports (n=5). The Reference Group was composed of their group peers trained in the same academic environment. The authors have worked out a definition for the mental stressors on the disabled students in the inclusive education system; offered the new mental control model for this academic group; and tested the model by the educational experiment including the efficient psychological, consulting, health correction service and mental progress tests.
Keywords: mental stressors, students with health impairments, inclusive education, psychological support, academic progress.
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