Pneumatic rifle shooters’ individual anxiety and interference immunity rating analysis
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
A.D. Pavlova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Neustroeva1
A.V. Filippov1
1M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
Competitive performances and motivations in the modern rifle shooting sport depend on multiple factors of influence, and one of them is the individual anxiety that may be due to the high risks and different physical and mental stressors associated with the highly challenging competitions. Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the individual anxiety and interference immunity in pneumatic shooting sport. Sampled for the study were the 18-22 year old academic shooters (n=41) from Yakutsk city; 18-25 year-old other highly-skilled (n=16) athletes; and 13-17 year-old trainees of the local CYSS (n=72, including 21 males and 51 females). The sample was tested by the Spielberger Anxiety Test and G. Munsterberger Attention Selectivity and Interference Immunity Test.
The study data showed a high meaningful (p≤0.05) correlation between the individual anxiety and interference immunity in the CYSS group and in most of the other groups – that means that the athletes are still in need of special mental/ emotional control trainings – since their emotions were found periodically unstable due to different stresses, fairs and health disorders. It should be emphasized that a growing anxiety undermines the interference tolerance and, hence, the competitive shooting accuracy. It was concluded that timely and regular mental condition rating tests are necessary to identify the athletes most vulnerable to stressors with a special attention to the teenage athletes, and provide an efficient mental self-control training service and support in the individual competitive behavioral model shaping process.
Keywords: competitions, individual anxiety, interference immunity, shooters, self-control.
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