Individual mental qualities tests in academic physical education service


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Drogomeretsky1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Tretyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.P. Spirin1
PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Voronin1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

As provided by the WHO-approved definition of health, its physical, mental and social health components are viewed as inseparable; with the health service being particularly important for the student population which is generally known to underestimates the health protection and improvement needs, initiatives and services. Objective of the study was to rate the gender-specific mental personality qualities in the academic main health group versus the special health group diagnosed with musculoskeletal system (MSS) disorders. Sampled for the study were the 1-2-year BelSU students (n=500) qualified for the academic physical education courses. The group main health group was rated by the Trofimov and Lee questionnaire survey forms widely popular in the clinical medicine, with the survey data processed by the standard mathematical statistics toolkit. The main health group disorders diagnosed group was tested with the meaningfully worse household self-serviceability versus virtually the same life needs in the both groups. The main health group students were tested more prone to extraversion. A data correlation analysis found that the higher is the student’s extraversion with its openness to communication, optimism, emotions and eased emotional controls – the less problems such a student generally faces in the MSS functionality domain. The main health group condition self-rates were found being somewhat distorted by the high personal aggression to somebody or something. It was also found that the more often the special health group students are disappointed in their hopes and expectations and suffer from anger, offence and frustration, the lower are their main health group condition self-rates. The main health group students were tested with virtually the same emotional status self-rates that were gender-unspecific in every aspect save for rigidity.

Keywords: students, physical education, individual mental qualities, special health group, musculoskeletal system (MSS), health improvement technologies.


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