Benefits of humanistic values of teaching dynasties for physical education specialist training purposes
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
Dr.Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor V.B. Tarabaeva1
PhD I.A. Shumakova1
Ph A.A. Makhova1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Modern socio-cultural challenges of the national development process urge the education sector to give a special priority to the axiological basics in the future physical education specialist training and personality development process. The article analyzes benefits of humanistic values accumulated by teaching dynasties for the physical education specialist education service improvement purposes; considers the importance and nature of the humanistic values of teaching dynasties; and analyzes the practical experience of these values mobilizing to advance the PE specialist training service at BSRU. The article formulates a generalized profile of a teaching dynasty with its high professional mobility, competitiveness and viability as the social institution due to its highest professional standards, traditions, great commitment for the professional service and the high responsiveness to innovations in the education system. It was concluded that the dynasty mobilizing education service implies broad contributions from every actor (including students, educators, supervisors, department management and teaching dynasties) to the regular and off-class education programs. Practical experience of the university shows that values and traditions of the teaching dynasties (with their principles, ideas, pioneering teaching experiences, practical accomplishments, archives etc.) shall be employed on a most efficient and integrated basis for the training, cultural, physical education, health, sporting, social, theoretical, practical, managerial and other purposes.
Keywords: teaching dynasties, cultural process, humanistic values, future physical education specialists .
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