All-Russian physical education and sport GTO complex: municipal management innovations
Associate Professor E.V. Khromin1, 2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the Administration of Tyumen, Tyumen
Keywords: systemic novelties, clustering design, integration, intensification, sportization, progress tests, infrastructure, communication, marketing, promotion.
Background. For the last 4 years the Tyumen Oblast have hold the lead in the mass regional physical education/ health/ sport projects and campaigns, including the GTO Complex staged reinstatement project – as reported for the period of 2014 through 2017 plus three quarters of 2018. It should be mentioned that Tyumen city accounts for about half of the regional population. Successes of the region and city in the physical education and sports domain are largely due to the persistent efforts taken since 2013 by the Tyumen Oblast Government’s physical education and sports and Advanced Education Department and the Tyumen Municipal Government’s Sports and Youth Policies Department in cooperation with the Tyumen State University – geared to develop and lay sound theoretical and practical grounds for the modern innovations in the physical education and sports sector and test practical implementation mechanisms for systemic innovative physical education and sports projects [10].
Objective of the study was to develop sound theoretical and practical grounds for the GTO Complex reinstatement and efficient management practices driven by municipal innovations in the physical education and sports sector.
Results and discussion. The GTO Complex reinstatement project in Tyumen has been implemented on the following provisions:
1. Systemic innovations that mean the interrelated local pioneering projects with synergized multisided effects and multiple long-lasting benefits [4]. The municipal pool of innovation projects has been formed since 2012-13 based on developments of the leading national and foreign scientists including V.K. Bal’sevich,L.I. Lubysheva,V.N. Platonov,V.I. Lyakh,E.A. Yamburg,V.I. Zagvyazinsky,I.I. Suleymanov,LA. Semenov et al.; plus the local Tyumen researchers: V.N. Potapov, V.N. Zuev, V.G. Khromin, E.A. Korotkova, I.V. Manzheley, P.G. Smirnov, S.V. Ivanova et al.
The municipal pool of innovative projects piloted on experimental sites across Tyumen city includes the following initiatives: physical education and sports service clusters built up by public-private partnerships; optional formats of the physical education and sports and health services for the local communities; quality management projects for the children and youth sports; integration of the general and advanced physical education and sports systems; communication marketing technologies in the physical education and sports sector etc. [10].
2. Interdepartmental cooperation network that means the effective cooperation of different relevant agencies to develop and implement the test standards, test policies and practices in the local education systems, companies, physical education and sports service organizations (both municipal and private), industrial operators, non-governmental organizations, sport federations, PES sector and health system management agencies etc.
3. Integration of the sport infrastructure of every ownership that may be interpreted as the sport infrastructure clustering policy geared to efficiently mobilize and manage the local sport facilities by prudently scheduled school physical education lessons, off-class trainings, health improvement practices in age groups, improved accessibility and affordability of the local fitness centers etc.
4. GTO Complex promotion project leaded by the local mass media organizations viewed as an integral part of the communication marketing of the municipal physical education and sports sector with application of the most efficient marketing communication models and tools – run mostly on a non-commercial basis since the partner companies generate indirect benefits from the promotion campaigns. A special role in the physical education and sports promotion toolkit is played by the CM marketing and internet promotion technologies: 10 active groups in the VKontakte network plus target groups in the Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Furthermore, the local physical education and sports services are advertized by a variety of audio-video-tools, posters, promo-actions and event marketing mechanisms; and video-screens all over the downtown and in 20 trade centers. The physical education and sports promotion campaign is supported by the progress analyses, surveys, tests, press-clips, Yandex headlines, BTL actions sponsored by partners, joint events and many other mechanisms.
The GTO Complex reinstatement project management and implementation initiatives may be generally classified into (1) trainings for the tests; and (2) tests as such. Trainings for the tests have been facilitated by the following provisions and mechanisms:
- Physical education and sports service infrastructure clustering policies and practices, with the physical education and sports facilities prudently combined and managed including the outdoor sport grounds and physical education and sports facilities in the local park zones – surveyed, classified and equipped as required by the communal physical education and sports service improvement goals. The physical education and sports infrastructure clustering policies make it possible to effectively schedule operations of the sport facilities and recreation centers in every municipal district and across the districts – with every sport school/ university gym and other indoor facility, outdoor sport ground, equipped park zone and fitness center efficiently and effectively mobilized for the communal benefits. The clustering concept gives the means to step up the physical education and sports service quality and accessibility for every age group and improve the local physical education and sports infrastructure mobilization and operation efficiency to meet the communal demand for the physical education and sports services – that cannot be effectively satisfied by other service models.
- Integration of the general and advanced physical education and sports education viewed as the key prerequisite for the schoolchildren being effectively trained for the GTO Complex tests. It is the integration that has made it possible to offer an intensive physical education and sports service technology for the Tyumen schools [9] and implement a variety of innovative physical education and sports projects to increase the children’s motivations for the school physical education and sports service and sports, physically activate the school population, step up the physical fitness and health rates and, as a result, successfully train children for the GTO Complex tests.
The municipality has implemented the following projects: (1) Interests Sensitive physical education = for Grades 9-11 Project that offers optional sports (n=21) in the physical education classes (with most of the class time assigned) taking 2 hours 2 times a week. The Project has been implemented in 13 schools, with 4,544 schoolchildren reportedly engaged in the new physical education and sports service; (2) Sports for the General Education School Project for grades 1-8 [9] that offers optional sports (n=17) in the class physical education lessons and off-class training formats, with 20 schools and advanced education establishments engaged in the Project; and (3) Special Sports Classes Project that offers special optional sport service for the strongest senior school athletes (trained in judo, sambo, dances, ice hockey, volleyball, handball, football etc.). Presently participating in the Project are 32 school classes.
The Tyumen government has also implemented since 2001 the Academic Physical Education Sportization Project geared to encourage the students’ motivations for the academic physical education service by optional sport disciplines practiced most of the time assigned for the academic physical education service [1, 5]. Thus the service is dominated by the specific sport trainings to improve the students’ physical fitness. The Project is being actively implemented in the academic and vocational training establishments of the city with a special priority to the trainings for the GTO Complex tests.
- Initiatives to expand the training services and step up the people’s interest in mass sports, habitual health practices and trainings for the GTO Complex tests, with the physical education and sports and health services being effectively customized to the local communal needs. For the last few years the Tyumen government has given a growing priority to the initiatives (including those in the public-private partnership formats) to expand the range and quality of the communal health sport services [2, 7, 10]. Key benefits of the initiatives may be summarized as follows: (1) Sport groups trained by sport instructors have grown from 8,000 people in 2012 to 26,000 people in 2018, within the same budgetary provisions; (2) physical education and sports service infrastructure has been expanded to embrace multiple corporate sport facilities/ gyms/ outdoor sport grounds/ equipped park sport zones, with the total number of the sport facilities reported as 175 in 2018; (3) The range of the communal physical education and sports services has expanded from 8-10 in 2012 to 43 in 2018; (3) Inclusive Accessible Sports Project has been implemented by the Tyumen-based partner fitness centers and sport clubs to offer special free physical education and sports service to senior residents and privileged children for account of the partners.
- Modular special trainings for the GTO Complex tests in the following two formats: (1) Modular physical conditioning physical education and sports trainings for the 4-12 year-olds; and (2) physical education and sports trainings at the local fitness centers on the public-private partnership contracts. On the whole, the Tyumen government offers 25 modular training programs supported by 22 sport establishments, with 1,000 schoolchildren served at present. The public-private partnership contracts with fitness centers help implement modular training projects in the relevant advanced education establishments with a special focus on the communal trainings for the GTO Complex tests both at the partner fitness centers and sport schools specialized in the GTO Complex test specific sport disciplines – including, e.g., shooting, throwing, self-defense basics, trekking etc.
- The GTO Complex may be successfully implemented only based on sound theoretical and practical provisions, with the systemic innovations supported by the relevant practical instructions to spell out the implementation plans with a special priority to modern physical training technologies applicable in the preschool/ school/ communal physical education and sports service and special excellence service for the school athletes and other age groups to facilitate their trainings for the GTO Complex tests.
- The GTO Complex trainings need to be facilitated by the physical progress tests [6]. In 2013-2016 the Tyumen government sponsored the school athletic/ preschool/ school physical fitness and physical development tests by independent experts, with 10,400 athletes, 2,600 preschoolers and 670 schoolchildren reportedly tested under the program. The tests provided a basis for revisions to the relevant sport excellence/ preschool/ school physical education and sports service programs. As things now stand, the obligatory physical progress tests are run on a yearly basis by every education establishment in the city. It should be mentioned that many preschool establishments, municipal sport schools and children-and-youth training centers have implemented a computerized physical fitness test system (using 1C software version) fully compatible with the GTO Complex test system.
The physical fitness test system applied in the trainings for the GTO Complex tests is designed to include: (1) Physical progress test centers and stations; (2) Test calendars; (3) Training systems and events; (4) Sport festivals, competitions and games; (5) Monthly reports and analyzes of the test data; (6) Modern IT support for the tests; and (7) Public promotion campaigns to motivate the local communities for the tests.
The Tyumen physical education and sports system reports good progress of the physical progress test centers and stations establishing and GTO test judges training initiatives. Thus for 2018 the city established 138 test centers and stations (versus 15 in 2016) and trained 736 GTO test judges (versus 76 in 2016). It should be mentioned that 16 partner fitness centers established their own test stations, with 56 fitness instructors trained and certified as the GTO test judges.
Conclusion. The study demonstrates progress of the municipal GTO Complex reinstatement project facilitated by the new progress policies and practices, technologies and provisions – to secure the GTO Complex being implemented on a most efficient basis with contributions from the relevant municipal physical education and sports sector development projects geared to meet the communal demand for the physical education and sports service infrastructure and motivate the local communities for the GTO Complex tests.
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The study analyzes innovations in the municipal physical education and sports management system designed for success of the GTO Complex reinstatement project in Tyumen. The study analyzes the key management policies, mechanisms and provisions for the mass physical education and sports initiatives to facilitate the GTO Complex reinstatement in the preschool, school, vocational training and advanced training systems, children and youth sports and mass physical education sector. A special emphasis is made on the following mechanisms and provisions for the mass physical education and sports initiatives to facilitate the GTO Complex reinstatement process: public-private physical education and sports service clustering policies; optional formats of the physical education and sports and health services for the local communities; integration of the general and advanced physical education and sports education systems; modular designs of the GTO Complex tests; theoretically grounded customized programs and practical implementation tools; and the physical progress tests. The GTO Complex test system may be improved by the projects to establish special test centers/ facilities; GTO referees’ training system; monthly progress tests and analyses; and a sound programmatic and informational support.