Benefits of national sports for academic physical education service to students with health issues



Associate Professor, PhD P.V. Chukhno1
Associate Professor, PhD D.B. Paramonova1
Associate Professor, PhD N.N. Seliverstova1
L.E. Shkolnikova1
1Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Naberezhnye Chelny

The authors believe that national sports are highly beneficial for the academic Physical Education service due to their great socio-cultural and health emphases. The study was designed to give theoretical and practical evidence of the great benefits of national sports for the mental and physical health of students with health issues; and analyze the practical experience of the sports-prioritizing academic Physical Education service with a special priority to the national wrestling sport elements in the PE curricula. The academic Physical Education curricula for the special health groups included a range of exercises to master basics of ethnic Kuresh wrestling; with the physically fit students offered a special elective advanced sport training course. The study data and analyses give the grounds to conclude that the academic Physical Education curricula complemented by national sport basics make the education process more versatile and interesting for the students due to the health benefits plus special spiritual aspects related to the national historical cultural values and priorities to facilitate the personality development process. The national sport basics were found beneficial for every academic health initiative.

Keywords: multicultural education, national sports, intercultural cooperation.


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