Strength emphasizing training model for junior swimmers
Associate Professor, PhD D.I. Surnin1
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Podlubnaya1
Associate Professor, PhD N.G. Rusakova1
S.S. Pavlova1
1Togliatti State University, Togliatti
The study analyzes benefits of a new strength emphasizing training model including a range of specific and traditional training tools for junior swimmers. Sampled for the model testing experiment were the 14-16 years old swimmers (n=28) split up into an Experimental and Reference Groups. The Experimental Group was trained with a special emphasis on the strength building practices for the key muscle groups activated in swimming. The traditional physical fitness trainings in the Experimental Group were complemented by the strength building sets of exercises (three times a week) focused on the dorsal, waist, abdominal, chest and shoulder muscle groups. The exercises were designed to mimic as close as possible the swimming movement biomechanics in every aspect both in the kinematics and sport-specific workloads. In addition, the Experimental Group strength trainings significantly exceeded in volumes the Reference Group trainings. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the new strength emphasizing training model combining the specific and traditional training tools as verified by the Experimental Group progress versus the Reference Group.
Keywords: strength qualities, swimmers, competitive accomplishments, strength training method, progress tests.
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